orthosiphon aristaus

TE RINON (orthosiphon aristaus) - HIPERnatural.COM
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orthosiphon aristaus
Lamiaceae (Labiatae)


Semileñosa grass, very branched, up to 50 cm. tall. Angular stems of violet color. Leaves opposite narrowed toward the base and with the margin sawing into the top half. Showy flowers, white violacé in terminal spikes of about 20 cm. in length. Stamens protrude significantly outside the corolla.


Under proper growing conditions can become perennial.


East Asian tropical.


Introduced for the first time in Cuba in 1973, is grown in scale of production in municipalities of Havana province. The foliage dry and dry milled were dispensed in a pharmacy.

Useful part.

The foliage.

Form collection.

Cut the ends of the branches (about 10 cm. Preferably before the opening of the flowers. Consume fresh or dried in the shade and in well - ventilated area or with artificial heat to no more than 50 degrees C.

Medicinal properties recognized.

System: pharmacological action.

Genito - urinary Diuretic.

Route of administration.


Other properties attributed.

Even unapproved)

Registers its use to treat metabolic disorders, liver and kidney ailments of all kinds. Hypertension. With a prophylactic in people with diabetes.




The leaves contain saponins, an essential oil, beginning a bitter glycosidic (ortosifonina) abundant potassium salts, urea and organic acids.


It spreads by cuttings of stalks, which should take 3 to 4 knots. It is recommended to plant between November and March to no less than 20 cm. separation between stakes. At all times maintain soil moisture. Cultivating a full sun exposure but admits a certain degree of shade. Avoid (by pruning) flowering too, which can cause the death of the plant.

Form of preparation.

The contents of a cup of boiling water, add one tablespoon of dry foliage and ground (in the way they are dispensed at pharmacies) allow to stand between 2 - 3 hours before straining to drink. Take 1 / 2 cup in the morning and the rest in the afternoon. Prepare daily.

Bibliographic references.

Acosta, Lerida, G. Lerch and V. Sklizkov. fitotécnicos some aspects of the introduction and cultivation of tea kidney in Cuba. Bulletin of reviews (medicinal plants) no. 14. Havana CIDA. 1985. 22p.

Svanidze, N. et al. Results of the investigations and pharmacognostic introduction of a new medicinal plant in the conditions of Cuba: Orthosiphon stamineus Benth. Rev. Cub. Farm 8: 299 - 307, 1974.

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