
rubus fruticosus

Zarza (rubus fruticosus) - HIPERnatural.COM
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rubus fruticosus
Other Names:

Artos, Espino Black, Blackberry, Zarzaneda, Zarzón.

Dioscorides already recommended the leaves of the bush for the treatment of hemorrhoids. Its fruits have been used since ancient in the human diet, and are an excellent natural candy to children and adults. They know about a hundred species of brambles and many more varieties, all with the same properties.

Habitat: widespread across Europe, on the banks of roads, and ribazos boundaries. Naturalized in the American continent.

Description: thorny shrub of the family of Rosaceae which reaches up to 4 meters high. Their flowers are white or pink, with 5 petals. The fruit is composed of several small drupe colored purple or black, each with a seed in it.

Parties used: leaves, tender stems and fruits (blueberries or blackberries)

Properties and indications: the tender leaves and shoots contain abundant tannins, making them astringent and hemostats. The fruits also contain tannin, carbohydrates (glucose and levulose) provitamin A, vitamin C, and organic acids (citric, lactic, Succinic, oxalic, salicylic) These are his instructions:

Hemorrhoids: decoction of the leaves and shoots of bush is applied locally on a seat or bath towels, for desinflamar and prevent bleed.

Diarrhea, gastroenteritis and colitis, for his remarkable effect astringent. The leaves and shoots are more than fruits, but usually eaten together to enhance their effects and build on the flavor of the fruit. For children with diarrhea is managed for blackberries teaspoons juice, or syrup that it is prepared.

Febrile illness: the juice of the fruits (berries) is refreshing and invigorating, so it is appropriate for febrile or debilitated patients.

Bucofaríngeas conditions: both the decoction of the leaves and shoots, as the tender shoots and fruits, have a beneficial effect on canker (sores) mouth, gingivitis (inflammation of the gums) stomatitis (inflammation of the oral mucosa) pharyngitis and tonsillitis.

Wounds, skin ulcers and furúnculos: washed or compresses applied with the decoction, or cataplasms with leaves, crushed in a mortar. They help to cure and heal.

Use: decoction of 30 - 50 grams. Outbreaks of tender and / or leaves in a liter of water for 5 - 10 minutes; take up to 3 cups daily. The tender shoots of spring can be eaten directly, and also perform curative action to contact with the oral mucosa. The juice of fresh berries is taken from 1 to 3 cups daily. Syrup, which is prepared by adding the juice twice its weight in sugar, possibly integral (brown) heating it to the fire until it dissolves completely, juice or blackberry syrup, is usually mixed with the decoction for enhance its effect and improve its flavor.

Externally, more concentrated decoction (50 - 80 grams. Per liter) than for internal use, which applies in towels, bath seat, rinses and gargarismos. Cataplasms with leaves, crushed in a mortar that apply on the affected skin.

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