Disease information

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Rheumatoid arthritis.

Chronic disease of the joints characterized by impairment of muscles, tendons and cartilage.

At times the hearing and blood vessels are affected.

It is three times more common in women than in men, aged between 20 and 60 years, with a higher incidence of between 35 and 45 years.


Unknown, but probably of autoimmune origin.

Signs and symptoms.

The most characteristic symptoms are:

Redness, pain, heat and deformation and hardening of any of the joints of the hands, hips, elbows, feet or knees, so symmetrical and starting with the small joints of the hands.

Temperature Tenths.

Morning stiffness of the joints, which is giving way with activity.

Appearance of nodules under the skin and deformities in the joints.


Risk Factors.

Personal or family history of rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune diseases.

Women between 20 - 50 years.


There are no concrete measures, to the ultimate cause is unknown.

Diagnosis and Treatment.


Analytical blood.


Arthroscopy with biopsies, in exceptional cases.


Gloves night to save heat.

Treat pain with dry heat or wet.

Hard mattress or placing a table over the slatted spring (or acquaintances Mattress supports Flap or "bodyguard")

Forced physical exercise, except when there are tenths of fever, then rest until it falls.

Physical therapy can help improve the overall condition.

Sleeping 10 - 12 hours and not get tired too.


Non - steroidal anti - inflammatory drugs, aspirin and other salicylates, gold salts and immunosuppressants, provided by prescription and under tight control optional, for the side effects of such drugs.

The cortisone is effective in short periods, to relieve pain, but produces no major side effects and prevents the degeneration of the joints.


Visual disturbance.

Permanent deformities in limbs.

Digestive problems by medication.


The disease can be mild or severe.

It is incurable, but the decrease in pain and the prevention of disabilities may be possible with an early diagnosis and proper treatment.

75% of patients treated in a very considerable improvement. 5 - 10% does not do so in spite of it.

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