Disease information

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Parkinson's disease.

In a degenerative disease of the nervous system that is manifested by premature aging and progressive certain structures that causes a deficiency of a chemical, dopamine in certain brain centers.

Rarely appears in people younger than 40 years, being somewhat more common in men.

It causes muscle rigidity, decreased mobility and tremor.


Despite the difficulties they produce their disease, patients should try for themselves the activities of daily living.

The difficulties in the march showed that patients can cause falls, it will ensure that there are no obstacles in his path (wrinkled carpets, cables,


Those derived from the symptoms, especially falls.

It is an incurable disease.

The treatment improved somewhat the quality of life for patients, although its loss of efficacy or side effects are major problems.

Diagnosis and Treatment.

The diagnosis is made by the signs and symptoms.

There are a number of diseases attending a clinic similar to Parkinson's and are produced by drugs, poisoning by carbon monoxide or manganese, and so on. And deniminan Parkinsonian Syndrome or Parkinson's.

It is therefore very important to rule out a patient who presents symptoms of Parkinson's disease, which is not something secondary to medication you are taking.

We must emphasize that not all tremors are caused by Parkinson's, especially those who tremble to drink, write or take an object.


Even when Parkinson's disease is chronic, there are currently various treatments that improve the quality and life expectancy.

Dopamine (a chemical whose deficiency causes Parkinson's) can not manage directly, but it can be precursors to give when they reach the brain are transformed into it, or similar substances with a similar effect to that of dopamine. Therefore, it is now possible to compensate for this shortcoming with cerebral intake of these substances.

In these patients, regular monitoring should be done that will allow us to manage the best treatment in each case, and that while medicines are very effective, have many side effects and long term.

In fact, we should try to control with the least possible medication.

It is a feature almost spectacular initial response but that gradually becomes less intense and more variable.


Does not exist.

Risk Factors.

In some patients, the occupational exposure to certain industrial pollutants.

In most cases, is unknown.

Signs and symptoms.


occurs at rest to be regular and rapid.

mainly affects the hands, so asymmetric (one more than the other)

ceases to carry out a voluntary movement disappears during sleep.

the characteristic "gild the pill", circular movements of the thumbs on the indices.


by increased muscle tone.

appearing as a passive resistance to the mobilization (ie, by someone else) from a joint, which assigns portions.

causing the so - called "sign of the cog"; trying to stretch, for example, the elbow, and is reluctant, until he gave a little, returning to resist, and so on. until it opens at all.

Acinesia, or parquedad movements:

late and slow in the beginning of voluntary movements,

Automatic movements disappear as the rocking of the arms while walking.

the so - called "face mask" because it has little expressiveness and without pestañeo.

scarcity of gestures.

monotonous and slow language.

affects the script, which dwarfs and desestructura.

also produces difficulty and slowness in everyday activities (eating, grooming or dressing)

The march is typical, being a small steps, without Braceo and trouble with the turns. Walk "chasing", inclined forward.


As already mentioned, Parkinson's disease is due to the shortage of a chemical, dopamine, in particular levels of the brain.

Although it has been associated with multiple genetic factors, brain aging and environmental factors, such as a toxic substance used by drug induces a very similar clinical picture, it is not known why the disease occurs.

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