Enuresis CHILD

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Enuresis CHILD - HIPERnatural.COM
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Enuresis CHILD
The control of sphincters is a very important profit for the independence of the children and children, their entrance to the school and a greater familiar and social acceptance and it happens generally between the 3 and 4 years of age.

The learning and the control of sphincters are gradual, first begins with the nocturnal rectal control, it continues with the diurnal rectal control and later the children obtain the diurnal and nocturnal urinary continencia.

In general terms it is possible to be said that half of the children and children, manages to control their sphincter of the micción, to both years, a 75% have reached it to the 3 and for the 5 years 90%, manage to warn when has desire to go bathroom and it stays dry until a good number of children arrives nevertheless at the bath and children do not obtain it and this is reason for preoccupation on the part of the parents.

The enuresis or urinary incontinencia, is the lack of control of the sphincter or muscle that controls the micción with the consequent uncontrolled loss of tinkles to an age in which it must have acquired the control and although habitually this problem disappears with time, which it suggests for many this problem can comprise of the madurativo development of the boy, for many can mean much more great an emotional problem of which it thinks.

Although the age in which the children and children begin to have control on the urinary sphincter is variable, considers that they suffer enuresis, those that of involuntary and unconscious form and without having no organic problem do not manage to control it during the night being greater of 4 years, or during the day if they are greater of 2 years and means that tinkle during the day.

This problem is more frequent in children than in children, who in general take more in being able to control the sphincters, as much of the micción as of the defecación.

Independently of when one takes place and the amount of the volume that "escapes", the incontinencia also causes great nonsingle anguish to niño / a but to those who coexist with them.

It is important to understand that the escape of tinkles occasional can form part of the development and growth of the boy and who the treatment is possible in most of the children who have difficulty in controlling his vejigas.

Vejiga is composed by 2 types of muscles: the detrusor, that forms as a muscular coat that stores tinkles it and that it must contract to drain his content and located a muscular fiber group that adopts a circular form in the neck of vejiga that automatically is contracted to maintain tinkles it within vejiga and that, also of form automatically relaxes when the detrusor is contracted happening tinkles it towards uretra. A third muscle group exists located below vejiga that can be contracted to keep tinkles in his reservorio.

In the baby, once vejiga reaches its Maxima capacity, it is contracted automatically and empty. With the growth and maturation of the nervous system, the brain begins to receive messages of which vejiga is filled and sends messages towards vejiga so that it retains tinkles it until niño / a decides at that moment and place for draining its content. This process, call continencia, appear in different times in each person and depend on many factors. Any fault in the continencia mechanism, can cause escapes of tinkles or incontinencia.

Most of the children they acquire the diurnal and nocturnal continencia around the 5 years, esteem that to this age 85% of the children are continent by the day the night. To the 10 years 5% of the children present / display episodes of incontinencia and single it is of 1% to the 18 years. He is more frequent in children than in children.

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