Hiatal hernia

Disease information

Hiatal hernia - HIPERnatural.COM
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Hiatal hernia
The hiatus is an orifice located in the diaphragm by which the esophagus happens normally to end to the stomach.

Hernias hiatales is very common, since they affect around 40% of the population, affect more to greater of 50 years and with a greater incidence in the women.

Its origin is not known with exactitude since the leading factors can be several, between which are:

congenital Defects that cause weakness in the diaphragm.

Alterations in the development of the diaphragm.

the weakening of the diaphragm to the passage of the years.




Some abdominal injury.

The diafragmático hiatus is an orifice that communicates the esophagus with the stomach and that separates the thorax of the abdomen, forming an acute angle that prevents the exit of the gastric content towards the esophagus, event known like regurgitation.

Its normal dimension is of 1, 5 centimeters in average, but for diverse reasons, it can extend to 2. 5 or 3 centimeters, causing the deformation of the stomach and diverse functional alterations.

When this happens, the stomach membrane can raise gradually, altering its original aspect and causing that the gastric content leaves, impelled by the pressure, towards the esophagus. The consequences of these alterations are hernia and the gastroesofágico ebb tide.

There are three hiatales types of hernias.

Those of sliding, that appear when it leaves from the stomach and esophagus ascends and they are located in the torácica cavity. This type of hernia is most frequent.

hernia hiatal paraesofágica, that is caused when the union of the esophagus with the stomach remains in its place, but a part of the stomach ascends to be located in the thorax, of parallel form to the esophagus.

the mixed ones, that combines both hernias.

IMPORTANT the content of this note is informative and it does not replace to the medical diagnosis, reason why we do not become people in charge on its use.

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