Disease information

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Call also anchylostomiasis, is an infection that fundamentally affects to the intestine and the skin, although also can affect the lungs.

One acquires by the contact of the feet or hands without protection with the larvae that are in the humid Earth.

The larvae cross the skin and enter the sanguineous torrent to arrive at the heart and the lungs in where they arrive at the bronchi and they promote to the trachea and pharynx. Once they are swallowed and they arrive there at the thin intestine in where they mature and they adhere to the intestinal mucosa by means of a cupping glass which they have in the mouth and they are fed with the weave and bleeds secreting an anticoagulating substance.

When absorbing the nutrimentos and the blood that would have to be taken advantage of by the person, the carriers of this parasite, get to have anemia and chronic undernourishment.

Its hard complete cycle to the rededor of 6 weeks, if they are nevertheless not treated and eliminated they can get to remain per years in the human intestine causing true damages to the health, mainly in the growth of the children.

Between the most frequent symptoms they are:


You feel nauseous and vomits.

Dolores abdominal like cólicos.

the suckling babies badly nourished and infected can present / display very low numbers of secondary hemoglobina and edemas.

The first manifestations appear in the skin, by where it penetrates the parasite, since it takes place a local eruption, swelling, reddening and intense comezón. Sometimes by the rascado one, the skin can also become infected with other microorganisms.

When the parasites have arrived at the lungs, the person can present / display fever, cough and sensation of lack of air and when they arrive at the intestine, the general symptoms are: abdominal pain, nauseas and ardor in the mouth of the stomach.

In more serious cases, the skin can take a yellowish coloration, tires or asthenia, swelling in the eyelids and feet, diarreas, distension of the abdomen and in the children cause severe damages in its growth.

The diagnosis settles down by means of clinical history, blood analyses that can detect anemia and coproparasitoscópicos to identify in fecal matter the type of parasite.

In the treatment, antibiotic medicines are used and antiparasitic depending on the type of parasite it can use mebendazon, nutritional pamoato of pirantel and supplements that resist the anemia and the undernourishment. In some cases it will be necessary to put a sanguineous transfusion for recovery of hemoglobina.

The prevention is very simple, since it is possible to be avoided using shoes, washing well the hands after touching the Earth and to go bathroom and to avoid to defecate in the Earth.

IMPORTANT: The content of this note is informative and it does not replace the medical diagnosis, reason why we do not become people in charge on its use.

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