
CEDAR WHITE (miller) - HIPERnatural.COM
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Castilian: white spruce, white pine, silver pine, fir male, silver fir.

German: Fichte, Eibisch.

Italian: Abete.

Portuguese: fir.

It is the family of Pináceas, grows from 800 to 2, 000 meters to be your kind of evergreen tree, leaves are flat and linear solitary found in two white lines on the bottom, during the spring and autumn mature flórese seeds in the form of pineapple. It grows to a height of 50 to 60 meters.

Are used medicinally the buds and leaves of colds in the upper respiratory tract and downs, kidney problems, problems with urination (urine) disorders of the skin, rheumatism, arthritis, etc.

Preparation: It is the 5th boil for about 6 minutes, it may take 3 to 5 cups per day by mixing a teaspoon per cup hot.

Steam baths are made of chest and head: 30 grams in each bathroom.

In ancient times doctors advised their leaves to convalescing from pulmonary disease and asthma. The difference between the white fir and red spruce is in the clear color of the trunk of the white fir. It is this spruce from that extracts the best essence of turpentine, guayacol, creosote and Terpin and who are so used to varnish.


Stomach acid: Boil 50 gr. spruce bud in 1 / 2 liters of water for 3 minutes. Let stand 5 minutes. Strain and drink three cups a day sweetened with honey.

Colds, bronchitis: Boil 50 gr. spruce bud in 1 / 2 liters of water for 3 minutes. Let stand 5 minutes. Strain and drink three cups a day sweetened with honey.

Lumbago, rheumatism and sciatica: Mix two parts of resin Fir by three white petrolatum simple. This plaster is applied in the form of friction on the area affected or hurt.

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