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It is one of the oldest medicinal plants. The Papyrus of Ébers, Egyptian medical document of the fifteenth century BC, already recommended as a poultice to treat burns. Hippocrates stressed the curative properties of mucilage content in their flour. In Arab countries still plant is grown as forage for livestock. He was given the name of foenum graecum (Greek hay) because it is grown widely in all the Mediterranean countries, and particularly in Greece, despite originally come from the Middle East.

Habitat: plant native to the Middle East, introduced in Western Europe.

From the Middle Ages. It grows among the crops and agricultural land.

Description: it belongs to the family of legumes, and rarely reaches more than half a meter in height. And produces long sheaths close as sickle, among which are 10 to 20 yellow seeds. All the plant shows a characteristic odor not very pleasant. Used parts: seed.

Properties and indications: the seeds of fenugreek are very rich in protein and mucilages. In internal use have a mild laxative action, in addition to desinflamar and protect all the digestive mucous membranes (emollient action of the mucilages) This leads to stimulate all the digestive processes, facilitating better utilization of other foods. As the fenugreek also provides easy assimilation of protein (27% of the weight of seeds) minerals (iron, phosphorus, sulfur) and vitamins, women used to round off the eastern her figure, thus meeting the aesthetic taste of their husbands. Although today has many types of restorative, flour fenugreek seeds remains a very desirable choice for inapetentes, thin and anemic. It causes increased appetite and fat natural. It has been used successfully in the convalescence from tuberculosis. Perhaps the most widespread application of fenugreek today is outsourcing. The decoctions made from fenugreek seeds, they produce a paste rich in mucilages, very effective in the following cases:

Hemorrhoids, applying it directly on the year in the form of poultice cold, or sitz bath, and reduces the desinflamar.

Disorders of the skin wounds Torp (hard to heal) ulcers, cracks of the nipples and lips, applying it in poultice; the clean and allows the healing. It also is useful in case of abscesses, furúnculos or diviesos (grains of pus) and cellulite, as it encourages the draining and cleaning of the skin.

Painful or swollen joints: arthritis, osteoarthritis, articular rheumatism, as well as a hot poultice.

Use: decoction with a tablespoon of flour seeds per cup of water. It takes the form of porridge or mashed. He can add honey or brown sugar. Dry extract, 1 gram in each of the 3 meals a day.

Externally, decoction with 100 grams of crushed seeds (or flour) per liter of water. Let boil for one quarter of an hour. They are applied in the form of cataplasms on the affected area (cold for the treatment of hemorrhoids, hot for the others) The bathrooms are made of a seat with 2 or 3 liters of decoction described, cold.

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