Sickle Cell Anemia

Disease information

Sickle Cell Anemia - HIPERnatural.COM
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Sickle Cell Anemia
It is characterized by the abnormal production of hemoglobina, substance that gives the color to the blood, contains iron and transports oxygen to all the organism.

In this type of anemia, the red globules present / display form of average moon and they do not work normally and mainly affects to people of origin or African descendants.

The general symptoms are:


difficult Breathing and jadeos when breathing.

Delay in the growth and development of the children and adolescents.

Ulceras in the inferior part of the legs.

Ictericia and changes of coloration in the skin.

Pain bones, joints, abdominal and in the thorax.

Fever, vomits.

Pain in the penis.

Presence of blood in tinkles and micción with excessive volume.

Taquicardias and acceleration of the heart rate.

The gravity of this type of anemia is in which the patients can get to present / display aplásticas crises, when its circulation is affected by "drepanocitos" or abnormal sanguineous cells, that block the small blood vessels and prevent that the blood flows to the vital organs, which with time is causing that the kidneys, lungs, the heart and the joints suffer irreversible and permanent damages that in serious cases, take to the death by renal or respiratory insufficiency or by an accident to cerebrovascular.

The falciforme anemia is diagnosed with base in the familiar antecedents and a electroforesis of hemoglobina, a special examination able to detect abnormal sanguineous cells.

The treatment must be in charge of a specialistic doctor in genetic sanguineous diseases and consists mainly of protecting to the patient of infections administering to them antibiotic Profhylactics.

In regions and people of high risk it is recommended to apply vaccines against neumonía, the influenza and the hepatitis.

Sometimes it is necessary to apply blood transfusions and the care of the feeding is very important.

A patient of falciforme anemia must have much taken care of when traveling, since the change of height can cause complications that can be mortal.

Nowadays, the falciforme anemia by means of a prenatal procedure called fetoscopia can be diagnosed, that consists of taking sanguineous samples from the fetus, by means of a long and narrow tube and of a needle that is introduced in the maternal uterus through a small and nonrisky abdominal incision.

IMPORTANT the content of this note is informative and it does not replace the medical diagnosis, reason why we do not become people in charge on its use.

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