
Disease information

Osteoarthritis - HIPERnatural.COM
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The artrosis is a syndrome that characterizes by the progressive degeneration and erosion of the cartilage, associated to a bony proliferation.

The normal cartilage is in favor compound mainly of:

•Células: condrocitos.

•Un protein cement constituted by fibers of colágeno and aggregates of proteoglicanos and hialurónico acid.

The cartilage is in continuous renovation. The condrocitos synthesize a new intercellular cement and, at the same time, they destroy the oldest cement. They contain two types of enzymes: enzymes of synthesis and proteolytic enzymes of destruction or enzymes.

The cartilage is a very fragile weave. A damage in the condrocitos implies a rupture of the metabolic balance between construction and destruction. It is always accompanied by biochemical modifications that they activate to proteolytic enzymes.

Degradation of the cartilage.

The preponderant paper has been demonstrated that they carry out the free radicals in the artrósico phenomenon of the condrolisis, since the degradation of the cartilage must, to a large extent, to the action of the free radicals on the condrocitos.

This action takes place due to several leading factors. We can describe both better well - known: repeated microtraumatismos and aging.


The microtraumatismos are responsible for the chronic inflammation, always present in the artrosis. This inflammation must to the presence intra - articulate of microparticles that have like origin the destruction of the cartilage. One accompanies by painful manifestations and hyperproduction of free radicals.

The free radicals free in great amounts during the fagocitosis of the macrophages and polimorfonucleares, attracted by the mediators of the inflammation (leucotrieno B4 and interleucina 1 mainly)

These cells also release to prostaglandins and leucotrienos.


Our organism has protective systems anti - radicalarios (mainly enzymatic: superoxide dismutasa, catalasa, peroxidasa. The aging is accompanied by a weakening of the enzymatic potential and, therefore, by a diminution of the "guard" as opposed to the action of the free radicals. Several pathological phenomena and certain medicines can alter the action of the antirust ones.

A good treatment will have to protect the condrocitos in front of the free radicals and also to break the vicious circle of the chronic inflammation cause of the production of these.

Also, the formation of new cartilages is due to favor nourishing well the condrocitos. The cartilaginous cells need a good vascularización and construction equipments, mainly mineral: calcium, phosphorus and silica.

The silica is implied in the construction of numerous weaves: conjuntivo, bony and cartilaginous.


Acute crisis.

First which there will be to do is to treat the pain to be able to recover the mobility of the joint, because the rest favors the acceleration of the destruction of the cartilage by diminution of the local sanguineous circulation. The pain must to the inflammation of the sinovial weave mainly.


Medicinal plants that can be used in the treatment of the artrosis.

In the acute crisis antiinflammatory plants such as Harpagofito are recommended, Queen of the meadows, Sauce or Grosellero, using dosages elevated for attack treatment.

Treatment of bottom.

Classic treatment.

The proposed classic treatments at the moment do not act on the degenerative process. In addition, antiinflammatory the nonesteroideos ones (AINEs) present / display known adverse effects good, mainly at gastroduodenal level.

Hygienic - dietetic treatment.

It agrees to avoid the overweight and to mobilize the joints.


The fitoterapia plays an important role in the treatment of bottom of the artrosis, acting in three fronts:

On the chronic inflammation of the sinovial (responsible for the hyperproduction of free radicals) inhibiting the synthesis of certain cellular mediators.

On the degenerative process, protecting the condrocitos of the action of the free radicals.

On the necessities in materials to reconstruct the cartilage, contributing the necessary minerals for the synthesis of new cartilages.

We could recommend Harpagofito, Willow, Queen of the meadows, black Grosellero, Ginkgo, Alfalfa, Tail of horse and Ortiga.

1. Chronic inflammation of the sinovial.

Again we must make reference to the quite effective antiinflammatory plants and without important indirect effect such as harpagofito, reigns of the meadows, willow and black grosellero, mentioned previously.

These have the property in addition, to diminish the production of free radicals. The patient will feel the beneficial effects rather quickly, the time of desentumecimiento of the joints in the morning will be smaller and it will be diminished the pain sensation.

2. Degenerative process.

In order to act on the degenerative processes we must protect to the condrocitos of the action of the free radicals. For this aim, a plant with antirust properties very marked will be used: ginkgo she - wolf.

3. Necessity of construction equipments.

Due to its continuous remodelamiento, the cartilage needs construction equipments, mainly calcium, phosphorus and silica.

The silica plays an important role in the structural organization of the protein plot.

The rich medicinal silica plants are used abundantly in reumatología, in the treatment of bottom of the artrosis, as well as in cosmetic, to prevent the appearance with wrinkles.

Plants adapted for this disease.


Black Grosellero.

Queen of the meadows.



Tail of horse.


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