theobroma cacao l.

COCOA (theobroma cacao l.) - HIPERnatural.COM
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theobroma cacao l.
Habitat: originally from Mexico and Central America. Their cultivation has spread to tropical regions of Africa and Asia.

Description: tree of the family of Esterculiáceas, which reaches from 6 to 10 m in height, with large evergreen leaves and yellow or reddish flowers. The fruit is a berry big (ear) ovoidea, about 25 cm long by 15 cm wide, brown or reddish when ripe. Inside there is the flesh where the seeds, number 20 or 30.

Used parts: the seeds and peel the fruit.

Properties and indications: the seeds of the cacao contain 40% - 50% of lipid (fat) 12% - 14% protein, theobromine (1%) mineral salts, and small amounts of vitamins A, B1 and B2. The cocoa powder is produced by grinding the dried seeds of cacao.

The theobromine in cocoa is an alkaloid whose chemical formula (S - 7 - dimetilxantina) as well as its effects are similar to those of caffeine. It differs, however, that the diuretic is more theobromine and caffeine that less exciting. The diuretic effect of theobromine is accompanied by an anti - inflammatory action on the kidney, so it is recommended in cases of nephritis and nephrosis.

Overall, cocoa is slightly invigorating and stimulating, though in large doses or in sensitive individuals, can cause insomnia and tachycardia.

Some varieties of cocoa also contain caffeine, which can amount to up to 50 mg per cup of chocolate, 100 ml (cup of coffee contains 100 to 150 mg)

In preparation for medicinal use the decoction of cocoa beans. This is far preferable to chocolate, it is free of its drawbacks (adding sugar and fat) Unfortunately, the cocoa beans are available only in tropical countries where cocoa is grown.

The cocoa butter is extracted by pressure from the roasted seeds. It is a powerful healing and emollient, which enters in the composition of numerous pharmaceutical preparations and cosmetics.

Its application is particularly useful in the following cases:

Cracking of the lips caused by drought or cold.

Cracks in the nipple of nursing mothers.

Burns, rashes and skin irritations.

To remove the hair.

Hemorrhoids and vaginitis (itching, irritation or itching in the vagina)

The shell of the cocoa used in Mexico against pertussis, in the form of decoction. It is also stimulating.

Use: decoction of seeds that are prepared with 10 or 12 seeds (also called almonds) per liter of water, taking 3 cups daily. Decoction of the peel, which is prepared with 50 grams per liter of water, take 3 cups a day.

Externally, the cocoa butter is applied directly as if it were an ointment on the affected skin area until 6 or 8 times a day. In suppositories and ova, cocoa butter and pharmaceutical preparations that are used in case of hemorrhoids or vaginitis.

Precautions: the use of cocoa by internal and especially chocolate, are discouraged in the following cases: an allergy to cocoa, heavy digestions by biliary stones or dyspepsia (by its fat content) constipation (what aggravates) juvenile acne, insomnia (especially children) and tachycardia.

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