
erythroxylum catuaba

Catuaba (erythroxylum catuaba) - HIPERnatural.COM
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erythroxylum catuaba
Ethnic Name: Catuaba, Chuchuhuasha, tattooed, Pau refueling, Caramuru, Piratancara.

Part of Used: Bark.


Properties: Aphrodisiac, CNS stimulating, Tonic.

Catuaba is a tree that grows vigorously in the northern part of Brazil's Amazon, in Para, Pernambuco, Bahia, Maranhao, and Alagoas. It produces beautiful flowers, yellow and orange, and small, oval, the fruit is not comible, yellow and dark. Catuaba is known by two names in Brazil botanists, brasiliensis Juniperus and Catuaba of Erythroxylum. Catuaba belongs to the family Erythroxylaceae genus whose main Erythroxylon, contains several species and varieties that are the source of cocaine. Catuaba, however, does not contain any of the alkaloid active in cocaine.

Catuaba has a long history in herbal medicine as an aphrodisiac. Tupi Indians of Brazil first discovered the qualities of the plant a long time and on the last centuries, has composed many songs praising the wonders are. Indigenous people and local people have used Catuaba for generations and are the most famous mostly as aphrodisiac Brazilian plant. In the state of Minas there is a saying that goes, "until a parent reach 60, the child is his, then is the Catuaba. " According to Dr. Meira Penna, Catuaba "works as a stimulant of the nervous system, especially when one deals with functional impotence of the male genital organs. it is an innocent aphrodisiac, used without any side effect ill effect at all.

In Brazilian herbal medicine today, Catuaba is considered a central nervous system stimulant with aphrodisiac properties and a decoction of the bark is used for sexual impotence, for stirring, for nerves, neurasthenia, memory or loss of memory and the sexual weakness. It is considered as an effective aphrodisiac, is used for many types of nerve conditions including insomnia, hypochondriasis, and pain related to the central nervous system. In the European botanical medicine, Catuaba is considered an aphrodisiac, and a stimulant for the brain and nerves with a bark tea used for sexual weakness, impotence, weakness and nervous exhaustion. Practitioners of Herbal and Health in the U. S. Catuaba used in much the same way: as a tonic for the genitals as well as a stimulant of the central nervous system, for sexual impotence, exhaustion and general fatigue, for insomnia related to hypertension, a stirring, and memory poor. Catuaba is beneficial for both men and women as an aphrodisiac, but "is in the area of male impotence which results have been more effective and there is no evidence of side effects even after long - term use. ".

The components found in Catuaba contains a bitter substance, alkaloids, tanninos, aromatic oils and resins fat, phytosterols, cyclolignans and a chemical called Brazilian scientists, Ioimbina. Clinical studies on Catuaba have found some very interesting results involving its antibacterial and antiviral properties. A clinical study conducted in 1992 indicated that an extract of Catuaba was effective in protecting mice from lethal infections of Escherichia coli and the Staphlococcus aureus, in addition to inhibiting HIV significantly. The study found that the activity of HIV Catuaba ANTI was to be led, at least in part, by inhibiting the absorption of HIV into cells and suggested that the extract has the potential of Catuaba against opportunistic infections in patients HIV.


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