eucalyptus globulus

EUCALYPTUS (eucalyptus globulus) - HIPERnatural.COM
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eucalyptus globulus
Castilian: Eucalyptus.

English: fever tree, blue gum tree.

INTRODUCTION: It is a tree that is used primarily to treat ailments such as colds, coughs, bronchitis, asthma or hoarseness, which is ingested baking sheets or inhale the vapors of cooking before going to sleep and also to lower the inflammation of the throat gargle with that makes cooking. In cases of chronic cough, is prepared with flowers bougainvillaea, Gordolobo and cinnamon, and is taken as a hot - water use. In the treatment of colds is recommended soaking the leaves in alcohol to be applied on the forehead, and also put down fresh branches of the bed so that the smell given off will help decongest the nose. When diarrhea is present, use only the tender shoots in cooking.

A tree that comes to measuring up to 20 m in height and introducing the trunk straight and smooth. The leaves are elongated shape and pointed and their flowers resemble a Motito within a small cone. The fruits appear buttons with abundant seeds. Living in areas of warmer climates, semi, dry and mild. It grows in cultivated gardens and is linked to the rainforest, Xeric scrublands and forests of oak and pine.

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