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Lavender true; al. Echter Lavendel; English. True lavender.

Flowering tops.

The real lavender is a shrub with upright stems unbranched whose top is devoid of leaves. These are green ash, linear. The flowers, with a bluish color chalice, are located in the armpit of the bracts with little visible nerviaciones. They are grouped into long thin spikes stalk.


The lavender genuine, spontaneous (In the western Mediterranean basin, is grown in Spain, France and Bulgaria. Its range is similar to that of lavender (L. latifolia Medic. which hybrid (lavandin, Interim Emeric L. x ex Loisel.

Chemical composition.

Although the essential oil (1 - 3%) has resulted in many traditional low, the other components are little known: Ursola acid, flavonoids, bitter substances.

Essential oil. Its composition varies depending on many factors: according to their origin (natural populations of lavender, lavender clonal) climatic conditions, the conditions for. The main components of the essential oil of lavender clonal are: linalol (30 to 40%) and Linalyl acetate (36 to 58%) The cariolifeno (2. 6 to 6. 3%) is provided. The lavender from natural populations, are poorer in octanone, linalol Linalyl acetate and the lavender clonal, but are more rich in acetate lavandulilo? Terpineol, beta - ocimene. Have been isolated from other components of santalano of cadinano, and so on. Carbonílicos compounds [695] from cicloadiciones ketones dienófilas on diene (ocimene, mirceno, etc. could participate in its delicate aroma [696]

The essential oil of lavender is rich in cíñelo (30 - 40%) and camphor (15%) compounds that are found in very small quantities in the essential oils of lavandin.

Pharmacological data.

Few pharmacological data on the lavender, usually, these were the essential oil.

Like many other essential oils, the lavender shows an antimicrobial activity observed in vitro with an essentially commercial deterpenada. This activity is weaker than that of the essential oils of rosemary, thyme or savory.

The action of essential oil on the S. N. C. has been known since the end of the nineteenth century: narcotic action at small doses (dog, via parenteral) while high doses produced excitement, hallucination, tachycardia and acceleration of breathing. Administered to humans, these same authors observed a hypnotic effect (1 g per os) There are also cardiac and respiratory effects that could assume that the drug has sympatholytic properties. There are no known only properties linalol. Those of camphor and 1. 8 cineol are better known and could explain some properties attributed to the essential oil of lavender.


Based on the tradition, now advises the use of drugs and different preparations based on lavender, in the symptomatic treatment of states neurotónicos, especially in cases of sleep disorders and as an antispasmodic in case of digestive disorders. Via the use of external preparations of lavender flowers are advised to clean the skin and as analgesic in disorders of the oral cavity and oropharynx, as well as for oral hygiene. The essential oil of moderate toxicity, is used in aromatherapy and in developing products for use by external: soaps, lotions, creams, disinfectants and healing. The perfume and cosmetics also use it for their fragrant and its power bartericida that makes it a good preservative. Criomolida the drug does not produce toxic manifestations (acute toxicity tests 3 g / kg and subacute 300 mg / kg / day, rat, per os,

The drug.

The leaves are laceoladas, with the edges rolled and green ash. The flowers are grouped into spikes and loose with bracts bracteolas. The microscopic examination of the flower shows TECTOR branched hairs and hairs secreting two types. To be considered official, the oil of lavender should contain between 25 and 38% of linalol, between 25 and 45% of Linalyl acetate, and between 0. 2 to 0. 5% and 0. 3 and 1, 5% of camphor and cineol respectively. These percentages, as well as those of limonene (0, 1 - 0, 5%) and those of &alfa; terpineol (0, 3 - 1%) are determined by GC.


The European Flora (3, 187 - 188, 1972) indicates that the sinoni -

mia concerns the only subspecies angustifolia exists,

Indeed, another subspecies, pyrenaica (DC. Guinea, in the Nord -

I of Spain. On the nomenclature of lavender and lavandin.

Flora is puedeLa Europe (3, 187 - 188, 1972) indicates that the sinoni -

mia concerns the only subspecies angustifolia exists,

Indeed, another subspecies, pyrenaica (DC. Guinea, in the Nord -

I of Spain. On the nomenclature of lavender and lavandin.

You can also consult the notes of A. O. TUCKER: Botani -

lime nomenclature of culinary herbs and potherbs, in. Herbs,

spices, and medicinal plants: recent advances in botany, Horti -

culture and pharmacology, L. E. and Crake J. E. SIMON ed. Pho -

Enix (Arizona) Oryx Press, vol 1, 33 - 80, 1986.

a) Scientific and Technical Commission of prodarom - Grasse.

et Syndicat des industriels et NEGOCIANTS in lavender and lavandin.

française d'origine. Preliminary observation concerning the.

possibility of distinguishing des lavender of population of washed -

des (a) Scientific and Technical Commission of prodarom - Grasse.

et Syndicat des industriels et NEGOCIANTS in lavender and lavandin.

française d'origine. Preliminary observation concerning the.

possibility of distinguishing des lavender of population of washed -

Française des clonal.

Parfums, Cosmetics. Aroma, 39) 49 - 51, 1981.

b) id. Remarques sur le rapport ß trans - ocimene: octanone -

3 comme critère analytique essential oils of lavender.

Ann. Fake. Exp. Chim. 74, 409 - 415, 1981.


LAVANDES lavandins et dans le monde.

Parfums, Cosmetics. Aroma, 54) 55 - 60, 1983.


A preliminary analysis of some lavender cultivars and lavandin.

Perfume. Flavor. 9, 08 - 09) 49 - 52, 1984.


Progress in essential oils: lavender oil.

Perfume. Flavor. 12, 12 - 87 / 01 - 88) 64 - 70, 1988; see also,

id. ibid. 9, 02 - 03) 48 - 52, 1985.

R. FR. AGNEL and P. Teisseire.

Essential oil of lavender french - Its composition and its adult -


Perfume. Flavor. 9, 10 - 11) 53 - 56, 1984.


New carbonyl compounds in the high - boiling fraction of wash -

der oil.

Helv. FP. Acta, 66, 1843 - 1849, 1983; id. Ibid. 1835 - 1842.


New carbonyl compounds in the high - boiling fraction of wash -

der oil.

Helv. Chim. Acta, 67, 1184 - 1197, 1984.


and J. Passet.

Place de l `essence of Satureia montana L. Lips) dans l'arse -

nal Thérapeutiques.

Pl. Méd. Phytother. 9, 99 - 106, 1975.

Lavender, toxicological dossier Laboratories Arkopharma.

Diseases whose treatment is appropriate in this plant.




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