caesalpinia pulcherrima

TABACHIN (caesalpinia pulcherrima) - HIPERnatural.COM
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caesalpinia pulcherrima

Caesalpinia pulcherrima S. Linnaeus Fam. Leguminosae.

It is a very old plant use, since even before the arrival of the Spanish was used in the treatment of disorders of the respiratory tract. At present, in some states of central and northern parts of the country, it is recommended to relieve coughs, through the infusion of the flowers and water usage. For the same purpose and is used in combination with other herbs like epazote of zorrillo, Gordolobo, bougainvillaea (Summer) and mulatto pole, in addition to the flower, also known as the Angel Hair uses the roots, stems or leaves. On the other hand, is useful as a laxative and digestive problems for cramps.

Shrub that reaches up to 5 meters in height, thin and smooth trunk, with colorful foliage and medium - sized sheets. The flowers are located in clusters, their fruits are elongated pods brown. It is originally from Mexico and lives in warm climates, temperate and semi. It is cultivated in the houses and is linked to the tropical deciduous forest, evergreen and subcaducifolia; thorny forests, cloud mountain, oak and pine.

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