tecoma stans linnaeus

TRONADORA (tecoma stans linnaeus) - HIPERnatural.COM
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tecoma stans linnaeus
It is used especially to treat diabetes, digestive ailments, epithelial, respiratory and gynecological disorders. The most used are the leaves, stems and branches, but also used the bark, flowers and roots. The treatment for such cases is the cooking of the leaves, alone or mixed with other herbs to be taken several times a day. It is also used to treat diarrhea, anorexia and liver problems. It is also recommended as a diuretic, analgesic and worming.

Shrub 2 to 6 meters high, with leaves broken into flakes; presented in the form of trumpet flowers grouped in clusters. The fruits are elongated, which contain the seeds ripen have wings. Lives in dry climates, and warm temperate and tropical deciduous forest, evergreen and subcaducifolia; mesófiio mountain forests of oak and mixed pine.

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