
Disease information

Epistaxis - HIPERnatural.COM
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Blood vessels in the nose (arteries and veins) Occurs near the windows nasal or inside the nose.

All ages, twice in children.


Wound in the nose or nasal polyps, even a simple scratch to delve nose.

Infection or nasal sinus.

A foreign body in the nose.

Scarlet fever, malaria or typhoid fever.

Dryness of the mucous membranes for whatever reasons, including lack of moisture.

Atherosclerosis, high blood pressure.

Trends bleeding associated with aplastic anemia, leukemia, liver disease or thrombocytopenia.

Signs and symptoms.

Out of blood for the nostrils.

If the bleeding starts near the wings, the blood is a bright red.

If you come from more inside, the blood can be bright or dark.

Dizziness for the loss of blood or printing.

Tachycardia, wheezing and paleness (only after a copious bleeding)

Black stools by the blood swallowed.


Wound in the nose or nasal polyps, even a simple scratch to delve nose.

Infection or nasal sinus.

A foreign body in the nose.

Scarlet fever, malaria or typhoid fever.

Dryness of the mucous membranes for whatever reasons, including lack of moisture.

Atherosclerosis, high blood pressure.

Trends bleeding associated with aplastic anemia, leukemia, liver disease or thrombocytopenia.

Risk Factors.

Causes exposed in any condition.

Hodgkin's disease, scurvy, rheumatic fever.

Disorders of the blood, including leukemia and hemophilia.

Use of certain drugs such as anticoagulants, aspirin or prolonged use of drops nasales. v Exposure to chemical irritants.

Altitude or dry climates.


Among the possible, avoid injuries.

Seek medical treatment for any underlying cause.

Moisten the air if you live in a dry climate or high altitude.

Avoid scavenging or blow the nose with the force.

If bleeding is common, do not take aspirin.

Diagnosis and Treatment.


His own observation of symptoms.

Medical history and physical examination by a doctor.

Analysis of blood.


Auto care.

Medical treatment or treatment in emergencies if your first car care are not successful.

You can introduce a plug of gauze to absorb the blood, stop the bleeding and pressure vessels broken.

When the bleeding recur, it may be necessary cauterization.

Surgery (only in serious cases) to close the arteries involved.

General Measures.

Sit and tilt your head forward.

Apriétese nose with your fingers for 5 minutes. Meanwhile, breathe through your mouth.

If you stop the bleeding but to start again, do it again, but apriétese strong on both sides of his nose for 8 to 10 minutes. When pressed their noses into force, will help the blood to clot and seal blood vessels affected.

At the same time, can be applied cold compresses.

Not to sound for 12 hours after the bleeding, to prevent the clot moves.

No trague sangre. Puede afectar a su estómago o provocarle arcadas.

No hable (le evitará las Arcadas)


Su médico le puede recetar medicamentos para tratar cualquier afección seria subyacente.


Vuelva a su actividad normal en cuanto mejoren los síntomas.


No hay dieta especial.

Avise a su médico si.

Le sangra la nariz y no puede parar la hemorragia con los métodos de auto cuidado descritos más arriba.

Después de la hemorragia tiene náuseas o vomita.

Le sube la fiebre un 38, 3 º o más.


Si la hemorragia es muy abundante, puede ser necesaria una transfusión.


Los síntomas pueden ser controlados mediante tratamiento.

Las hemorragias severas obligan a la hospitalización y suelen tener origen en causas como afecciones hepáticas, de la sangre o hipertensión.

En estos casos, la causa subyacente también debe ser tratada.

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