Disease information

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Infection of the bones and the bony marrow.

Any bone.

In the children, it mainly affects fémur, the tibia, the húmero or the radius.

In the adults, to pelvis or the column.

Commonest in the men and to all the ages, commonest in children in age of fast growth (5 to 14 years)

To call to the doctor if.

You or their son has osteomielitis symptoms.

It happens the following thing during the treatment:

An abscess forms on the infected bone, or increases the drainage of a already existing abscess. Fever.

The pain becomes intolerable.

They appear new inexplicable symptoms. The medication used in the treatment can produce indirect effect.


Spontaneous treatment in 10 days to 6 months.

The fatigue usually persists during 3 to 6 weeks after the other symptoms have disappeared. Some patients undergo a chronic form where the symptoms persist during months or years.


Abscesses that perforate the skin and not heal until the affected bone is cured.

Permanent rigidity in some near joint (occasionally)

Envenenamiento of the blood that forces an amputation (occasionally)


Look for treatment for any bacterial infection, to avoid that one extends to the bones or other parts of the body.

Diagnosis and treatment.

Sanitary precautions.

Medical treatment.

Hospitalization for surgery for drainage of abscesses infected in the bones, and administration of high doses of antibiotics, sometimes by intravenous route.

Probable consequences.

Usually it is cured with fast aggressive treatment.

General measures.

Póngase sterile gloves to change the dressings.

Maintain the high and immobilized member affected slightly between pillows. It does not leave hangs.

Maintain healthy the parts as active as it can to avoid the ulceraciones that one long stay in bed causes.


His doctor can prescribe to him:

Great doses of antibiotics.

With powerful modern antibiotics, no longer the administration by intravenous route usually is necessary, before inevitable.

The antibiotics can be necessary - oral or injected - during 8 to 10 weeks. Tranquilizers.

Laxatives if it appears the constipation during a stay prolonged in the bed.


Keep bed up to 2 or 3 weeks after the symptoms disappear.

Return gradually to its habitual activities.


There is no special diet. Comma with pleasure. Take vitaminic and mineral supplements.

Systems of diagnosticos.

Observation of the symptoms.

File and physical examination by a doctor.

Analysis and cultures of blood to identify the bacterium.

X - rayses of the bone. In general, x - rayses do not show changes up to 2 or 3 weeks after the beginning of the infection.


Factors of risk.

Diseases that diminish the resistance.

Fast growth during the childhood.

Signs and symptoms.

Fever. Sometimes, it is the only symptom.

Pain, inflammation, heat, reddening and sensitivity in the zone of the infected bone, specially when moving a near joint.

The near joints - mainly the knee - also will be reddened, inflamed or I warm up.

If a boy is too small to know how to speak, the pain symptoms are their resistance to move an arm or a leg or its refusal to walk; they cojean or they shout when touching to them or moving the affected member to them. Drainage of pus by an abscess in the skin, without fever nor acute pain (only the chronic osteomielitis)

General malaise.


Generally, infection by estafilococos, although can take part many other bacteria. The bacterium can extend to the bone, through the sanguineous flow, due to:

Fracture or another injury.

Furúnculo, anthrax or any wound of the skin.

Infection of the average ear.


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