Adonis vernalis (ADONIS VERNAL)

Adonis vernalis (ADONIS VERNAL) () - HIPERnatural.COM
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Adonis vernalis (ADONIS VERNAL)
Other names:

Castilian: Adonis vernal.

French: Adonis, Adonis du printemps. Gold button.

English: Pheasant's eye, Adonis.

German: Adonisröschen, frühlingsteufelsauge.

Dutch: voorjaarsadonis, duivelsoog.

Italian: Adonide primaverile, Fior d'Adone.

Used Part.

Sumidades the air.

Active Principles.

Heterósidos cardenólido cardiac rate (0. 1 - 0. 4%) Cimarosa, adonitoxósido. Mineral salts. Organic acids. Carotenoids. Flavonoids: adonivernitina.

Drug Action.

The cardenólidos confer cardiac properties, and antiarrhytmic diuretic, action reinforced by the presence of flavonoids.


Congestive heart failure, tachycardia, arrhythmias, extrasistolia. Rest periods of treatments digitalis (cumulatively have less action on the myocardium that the digital)


Heterósidos cardiac treatment with quinidine, thiazide diuretics or laxatives Anthraquinone (you can produce an enhancement of its action and in case of overdose, an investment of cardiac effect)

Do not prescribe dosage forms with alcohol content to children under two years or consultants in the process of alcohol addiction.

Caution / Poisoning.

Should only be used under medical specialist. We recommend using digitalis to use.

The whole plant is toxic due to the presence of cardiac glycosides.

Take into account the alcohol content of the fluid extract and tincture.


Benigni, R; Capra, C; Cattorini, P. Piante Medicinali. Chimica, Pharmacology and Therapy. Milano: Inverni & Della Beffa, 1962, pp. 16 - 8.

Bézanger - Beauquesne, L; Pinkas, M; Torck, M. Dans la Plantes Les Thérapeutiques Moderne. 2. Paris: Maloine, 1986, p. 61.

Bézanger - Beauquesne, L; Pinkas, M; Torck, M; Trotin, F. Medicinal plants of temperate Regions. Paris: Maloine, 1980, pp. 101 - 2.

Bruneton, J. Elements of Phytochemistry and Pharmacognosy. Zaragoza: Acribia, 1991, p. 342.

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Fernandez, M; Nieto, A. Medicinal Plants. Pamplona: Ediciones Universidad de Navarra, 1982, p. 220.

Mulet, L. Toxic Plants of Valencia. Castellon: Provincial, 1997, pp. 38 - 41.

Paris, RR; Moyse, M. Summary of Matter Médicale. Take II. Paris: Masson, 1967, p. 151.

Peris, JB; Stübing, G; Vanaclocha, B. Applied Fitoterapia. Valencia: M. I. Official College of Pharmacists, 1995, p. 115.

Peris, JB; Stübing, G; Figuerola, R. Guide to Medicinal Plants of Valencia. Valencia: Las Provincias, 1996, p. 264.

Peris, JB; Stübing, G; Figuerola, R. Guide to Medicinal Plants of Valencia. Valencia: Las Provincias, 1996, p. 264.

Samuelsson, G. Drugs of Natural Origin. A Textbook of Pharmacognosy. Stockholm: Swedish Pharmaceutical Press, 1992, p. 194.

Trease, GE, Evans, WCh. Pharmacognosy. Mexico City: Inter - MacGraw - Hill, 1991, p. 556.

Van Hellemont, J. Compendium of Phytothérapie. Bruxelles: Association Pharmaceutique Belge, 1986, p. 9.

Villar, L; Palacín, JM; Calvo, C. Gomez, D; Montserrat, G. Medicinal Plants of the Aragonese Pyrenees and other tierrras Huesca. 2. Huesca: Provincial, 1992, p. 255.

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