alnus glutinosa

ALISA (alnus glutinosa) - HIPERnatural.COM
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alnus glutinosa
Other Names:

Black alder, Alnö.

The authors of classical antiquity were unaware of the many medicinal properties of alder. Who first wrote about them was St. Hildegard, German Benedictine abbess of the twelfth century, he published two interesting treaties on medicinal plants. In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, when malarial fevers havoc and quinine were imported from America were difficult to achieve, was successfully used as febrífugo the bark of alder, which is described as quinine Europe. At present, the alder is still used in herbal medicine, in addition to many other applications. Its bark is used for tanning leather and wood for smoking meat and fish. The wood is very resistant to water and virtually imputrescible, and with it some bridges are made of London and Venice; also serves up excellent clogs.

Habitat: common in the humid forests throughout temperate Europe. It grows sporadically in some regions of North America.


The alder is a beautiful tree in the family of betuláceas; under optimum conditions can reach 30 m. tall and a century old. In winter it is completely swimming, sprouting new leaves in spring, which is viscous and the touch of dark green. The crust is brown and shows cracked. It is a tree that grows in damp areas, swamps, banks of rivers and forests, fresh and shaded. At the Peninsula is easy to find across the Pyrenees and in the northern mountain ranges. Also it is not uncommon to see him forming long lines, skirting avenues, shady parks and gardens.

Properties and indications: alder bark is very rich in tannins (up 20%) It also contains a red dye - type substance glycosidic, emodina, and lipid substances. For its wealth of tannin, is a great astringent, drying and tanning mucous membranes in both internal and external. It also has properties febrífugo.

Is indicated in the following cases:

Summer diarrhea, gastroenteritis and colitis.

Stomatitis (inflammation of the oral mucosa) tonsillitis and pharyngitis: gargarismos are conducted with the liquid resulting from its decoction.

Varicose ulcers, sores and difficult healing wounds: Its decoction is applied in compresses on the affected area.

Febrile diseases such as malaria or brucellosis, when indicated lower fever. In these cases applies to bake the crust by mouth under control optional.

The leaves of alder, contain tannin and sugar, in addition to a substance that coats glutinosa, composed of two alcohols (glutinol and glutanol) and their corresponding acids. These properties are:

Vulnerary, ie that help heal the wounds and bruises heal. Are especially useful for healing the sore feet and chafing that occur as a result of long walks, or inappropriate footwear. Put the leaves flattened inside socks, with its upper face contact with the skin. There is a sense of relief in the weariness of the feet, and the rapid healing of chafing.

Antirheumatic: the patient is wrapped in leaves of alder previously heated in the sun or inside a furnace, either by covering the painful area. Cover with a blanket. This "bath sheets" is a good remedy to relieve rheumatic pains and artrósicos, as well sudorific effects and debug it.

Galactófagas, that is, they cause the withdrawal from the milk of mothers who are raising. To do so, for several consecutive days, a poultice was placed on the breast.

Use: decoction that is prepared with 30 - 40 grams of the bark of young branches, which are boiled for 15 minutes, take 2 or 3 cups daily.

For external use, the decoction is used for rinsing and gargarismos, as well as for towels. In cataplasms the leaves are applied locally, either as vulnerary (flattened inside the sock with the upper contact with the sole) as antirheumatic (covering the painful area, having been heated in an oven) or as galactófagas (on the breasts) The leaves of green alder should apply, whenever possible, especially when used as vulnerary.

Leaves. Placed directly on the soles of the feet, with the viscous substance into contact with the skin. It is a home remedy for pain in his feet.

Crushed leaves. Directly on the breasts of women are said to cure stretch marks.

Decoction for washing. In 1 / 2 l. water is boiled for 10 minutes 15 deg. bark. This liquid, once tempered, filtered and can be used for washing ulcers, sores, wounds and even hemorrhoids.

Gargarismos. 1 l. water is boiled 40 gr. bark; cool, is sweetened Slips and once the taste of each are made gargarismos, being able to repeat the operation several times a day. It is very useful in cases of pharyngitis.

Common uses:

Astringent anti antidiarrhoeal.

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