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Spanish: Consuelda.

English: Comfrey.

French: Consoude; Oreille d'Ane.

From the family of Boragináceas.

Weld (heal) recent injuries. Cleaning wounds.

Used Part.

The root.

Active Principles.

Allantoin (0. 6 - 0. 8%) mucilages (fructosanas) tannins (5%) essential oil, traces of alkaloids pirrolizidínicos; Phytosterols (sitosterol) acids and rosmarínico litospérmico (deps dihidrocaféico acid) asparagine (2 %)

Drug Action.

The allantoin has a healing effect, reepitelizante; the mucílagos act as demulcent (moisturizing, anti - inflammatory) tannins are astringents (antidiarrheal, hemostatic local)


Internal use (see precautions) It has been used in the treatment of gastritis, gastric ulcers, diarrhea and irritable bowel syndrome.

In topical use: Escoceduras, dry eczema, itching, cracks of the breasts, ichthyosis, psoriasis, to the mucose vulvovaginal dystrophy, parodontopatías, tendonitis, bursitis, inflammation osteo, contusions, bruises. Traditionally used to accelerate the consolidation of fractures.


Internal use: should not be prescribed for oral use in: Pregnancy, breast feeding or hepatopathy.

Topical use: not apply on open wounds.

Caution / Poisoning.

Their use should be limited to the topically. Prolonged use by internal is dangerous because it contains alkaloids that can produce pirrolizidínicos hepatotoxic liver degeneration. If considered appropriate prescribing, further treatments short: no more than 4 - 6 weeks in a year.

Galenica forms / Dosage.

Use (see precautions)

Decoction: one tablespoon per cup of dessert. Boil 5 minutes. Three cups a day.

Fluid extract (1: 1) 20 - 30 drops, 2 - 3 times a day.

Tincture (1: 10) 30 - 50 drops, 2 - 3 times a day.

Dry extract (5: 1) 50 mg / capsule, one to three a day.

Dust: 100 - 300 mg, one to three times a day.

External use:

Decoction: 5%, infuse two hours, apply in the form of washes or towels.

Grated fresh root, applied in the form of poultice over the area to treat.

Ointment (20% extract fluid) 2 - 3 applications per day.


Bézanger - Beauquesne, L; Pinkas, M; Torck, M. Dans la Plantes Les Thérapeutiques Moderne. 2. Paris: Maloine, 1986, pp. 407 - 8.

Bézanger - Beauquesne, L; Pinkas, M; Torck, M; Trotin, F. Medicinal plants of temperate Regions. Paris: Maloine, 1980, p. 285.

British Herbal Pharmacopoeia. Vol. I. Bournemouth, Dorset: British Herbal Medical Association, 1990, pp. 34 - 5.

Bruneton, J. Elements of Phytochemistry and Pharmacognosy. Zaragoza: Acribia, 1991, pp. 66; 396.

D'Arcy, PF. Adverse reactions and interactions with herbal medicines. Part I. Adverse reactions. Adverse Drug React Toxicol Rev, 1991; 10 (4) 189 - 208.

James, A; Duke, Ph. D. Handbook of Medicinal Herbs. 5. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press, 1987, p. 464 - 6.

Farnworsth, NR. Relative safety of herbal remedies. Natura Medicatrix, 1995; 37 - 78: 30 - 35.

Fernandez, M; Nieto, A. Medicinal Plants. Pamplona: Ediciones Universidad de Navarra, 1982, p. 166.

Mulet, L. Ethnobotanical survey of the province of Castellon. Castellon: Provincial, 1991, p. 440.

Paris, RR; Moyse, M. Summary of Matter Médicale. Take III. Paris: Masson, 1971, pp. 141 - 2.

Peris, JB; Stübing, G; Vanaclocha, B. Applied Fitoterapia. Valencia: M. I. Official College of Pharmacists, 1995, pp. 232 - 3.

Peris, JB; Stübing, G; Figuerola, R. Guide to Medicinal Plants of Valencia. Valencia: Las Provincias, 1996, p. 63.

Trease, GE, Evans, WCh. Pharmacognosy. Mexico City: Inter - MacGraw - Hill, 1991, p. 685.

Van Hellemont, J. Compendium of Phytothérapie. Bruxelles: Association Pharmaceutique Belge, 1986, p. 385.

Villar, L; Palacín, JM; Calvo, C. Gomez, D; Montserrat, G. Medicinal Plants of the Aragonese Pyrenees and other tierrras Huesca. 2. Huesca: Provincial, 1992, p. 271.

WICHTL, M. Herbal Drugs and Phytopharmaceutical. A Handbook for Practice on a scientific basis. Stuttgart: Medpharm Scientific Publishers, 1994, p. 483 - 5.

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