
ESCARAMBUJO (nombres:) - HIPERnatural.COM
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Latin: Rosa canina L.

Castilian: mountain Rose, Rose Rose peasant or bravo, perruno Rose, Rose Snake, Devil's Rose, Rose of escaramojos (as Laguna) or simply escaramojo, escarambrojo, calambrujo, escambrujera, escambrujo, hips, escarbaculo, Tapaculos (usually, The fruit) zarraculos (cierraculos? Carmine, monjolinos (as Lazaro Ibiza) Gabarda, galabardera, garrabera, gavanzo, Rose garbancero, bramble garbancera, rosehips, zarzarrosa, zarzaperruna, hawthorn vero, picacostillas, picaespalda, alcaracache.

Portuguese: pink - de - cao, silva - Macha, Silvae, Roseira; silvo male, rosehips, gabanceira, buts of can (the fruit?

Italian: pink canine.

French: Rosier des Chiens, églantier.

English: dog rose, wild dog rose, bird Briar, hip tree.

German: hundsrose, hagerose.

Dutch: hondroos, ROZE eglantier.


The wild rose is a shrub sarmentoso 1 to 3 m. height, with stalks of armed goads Corvos and reflective, sharp.

The leaves are sustained by a corner which are attached two stipules, one on each side, are composed of two or three pairs of flakes, plus one, odd, in the end, the figure aovada or elliptic, toothed or serrated on the edges.

The flowers, fueled by two bars, formed as an urn, on whose upper edge born five sepals, which are unequal, because few have beards or lacinia, and others do not, reflexive after the flower withers.

Corolla is composed of five petals wide and notched at its end, the color that we call precisely, pink, white or almost intense, if not entirely white, according to the plants. The ballot box that brings the cup persists over time, grows, it becomes fleshy, and the step that changes color and becomes red, mature within it the fructículos the rosebush, which are hard as huesecitos.

The urn has mature figure is slightly rounded or ellipsoid, or how to top, according to the varieties of this species, and is called hips or Tapaculos. As the French say: Il n'est if belle rose qui ne Devienne cul - Grattan, which could translate well: There is no end in pink Tapaculos. Although it has its equivalent Castilla castizo: From a cocoon expected a rose, a rose, the damn thing.

This red fruit of any breed of roses has the inner surface of upholstered pelitos blond, rigid and brittle, the picapica which, when introduced to neglect between the shirt and skin of any rapazuelo produce endiablada itching. The same, as have, which is around the anal orifice when, having eaten hips, pelitos themselves, unharmed after saving all the dangers of the digestive tract, was well off its host.

The name of Grattan - culture of the French, the same as that of gratacul of the Catalans, and the escarbaculo, collected by Losco and Brown in Aragon, should allude to that power to the picapica.

We have given a brief description of the wild rose, which block any of the countless lines that populate the peninsula and much of Europe, because nothing is as variable as these roses Bravi, from simple flowers, which are given without cultivation in the bush.

Sometimes, on the branches of this rose is a form rounded masses, sponges, like a ball of moss, verdeamarillento or reddish color, which are produced by the bite of an insect. Cutting at its core there is a relatively small core, hard, within which are the larvae of the insect, called the mass Rhodites pink and rounded, overall, is the bedegar.

It blooms in May, if not earlier in the tempranales, and still can be seen in July rose flower in the mountains.

One grows in hedges and ribazos, as well as on the slopes with little or no trees, in lowland and mountain little high throughout the country.

Rose's wild used the roots, leaves, petals, fruits or hips, the fructículos internally, with their seed, and bedegares.

The roots is best to run in March or April when the plant awakens from its winter dormancy, the leaves in May, when they are fully developed; petals, so encapulla the plant, before opening the flowers, the hips in late summer or during the autumn, when they reach a perfect degree of maturity, yet with the meat tough, either red, the fructículos of its interior, where the rose is made or past; and bedegares before drying when they are tender and juicy.


The root of the wild rose contains tannic acid, such as leaves, and they also pectin.

The petals, with some tannin, various organic acids (citric acid, malic acid) gomosas materials, and very small quantities of essence.

The fruit or hips, an orange coloring matter, the carotene, from 11. 6 to 15. 6% sugar, from 3 to 3. 6% of organic acids valued as malic acid, and so on. And in the hips dried, From 0. 5 to 15. 6% of vitamin C or ascorbic acid.

The fructículos or cuesquecitos - hips contain small amounts of vanilina, lecithin, invert sugar, 8. 8% of a fatty oil, imponderables quantities of malic acid, tartaric acid and Succinic acid, 1% of flobafeno, and so on.

In the seeds of Rosa multiflora, Kondo, and Cuchiha Iwamoto (1929) found 0. 3 to 0. 6% from a glucoside, the multiflorina, laxative properties. We mention of their existence in this kind of pink to link it with other glycoside found in the fructículos de la Rosa canina by Garello Cantoni ten years later.

According to Dr. Josep Lluis Berdonces in his book Great Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants, the rose inside the canine contains vitamins:

Between 500 and 1, 700 mg per 1, 000 grams of vitamin C in fruits.

140 micrograms per 100 grams of vitamin B1.

7 micrograms per 100 grams of vitamin B2.

In addition to vitamin K and P.

They also emphasize carbohydrates (30%) pectin (11%) tannins (3%) citric acid and malic (3%) oil (2%) and pigments (carotene)


In the past, the Wild Rose enjoyed great appreciation for the many curative powers attributed to it, mainly during the Renaissance. Because of its tannin content, the general is the most astringent.

If the name refers Tapaculos, as they say, the virtues of anti - hips or is it merely escarbaculo of corruption, with reminiscences Catalan and French, we can not elucidate.

The water rose, seen as eye, the ointment of roses, syrup, which speaks of Andres Laguna, the rodomiel honey or pink, are obtained or prepared with rose petals double, very fragrant and grown in gardens.

Although the water to get roses have also been used petals of wild rose, the chief merit of this shrub lies in the hips, antiscorbútico of great value for its extraordinary wealth in vitamin C. He was also given powers diuretic, without fear, is said to prolonged use damages the kidneys ever. And it is popular belief that eating enough whole rose, with its grit and its pelitos is it the worm casts of lonely, some attributed to the effect picapica, which tenia could not resist.

As for their grains, fructículos hardness of stone that holds within it the hips, have been used to combat the evil of stone, perhaps by a simple suggestion, which would attribute to the form and consistency of them. In contrast, recent investigations of Garello Cantoni (1939) demonstrated that exerts a toxic effect on bone marrow or oblong medulla oblongata, and in general on the nervous system also affects on the heart, which in excessive doses, can be stopped in diastole. Therefore, proceed with caution anyone who, without medical advice, use the fructículos - hips, especially pulverized.

However, taking the news of Kroeber, the cooking of such grains previously pulverized, that smell of vanilla, is used in many localities in Germany instead of black tea and is febrífugo.

According to Leclerc, the bedegar can be considered a tonic and antisudorífico, especially tuberculosis and nephritic.

It is used, the stem, in cooking, the proportion of 3 ounces per 1. 5 l. Water, at Menge until 1 l. The same, or something weightier is preparing for the baking sheets. Both serve to cut the diarrhea, how many cups are drunk to want. I shall say nothing of the petals of this wild rose, because the reader can use to the advantage of the Castilian pink or rose a hundred sheets.

The rose is best to eat them fresh, like a fruit either, for they know not unpleasantly when they are ripe, to be split lengthwise, and remove any huesecitos hair, and washed in tap water. In this case the vitamin is used in its entirety.

With the hips good clean hair and grains, crushed to reduce them to pulp, and adding at least their own weight of sugar, is prepared, cold, a jam of roses, which also contains all of the vitamin.

When instead of fresh fruit or jam is being prepared with therein a cook, part of that vitamin C is destroyed by heat. In addition, the vitamin content varies among races of the wild rose, the town has been brought up, the Temperate year, the degree of maturation, and so on. Before or after their perfect degree of ripeness the hips have not reached the Maximum vitamin or are lost more or less rapidly.

If the cook boils long time, for example, until reduced to one third or half the amount of water to boil up, the vitamin is lost completely or in large part, but in this case, takes as a diuretic and astringent.

For the elderly, Fournier ("Medicinal Plant", p. III. 356) recommends the preparation of the next liquor roses. It takes 1 l. of hips, 3 l. of spirits and 0. 5 kg. sugar candy, and everything together, is put into a decanter, is macerated, fifteen long days to one month in a warm place (I mean not too warm or cold) and those days are past filters. This liquor is mixed with the amount of water that each prefers. Say he is a liquor fortificant.

The bedegar takes infusion as a tonic and diuretic, using a couple of ounces per liter of water.


Salsa eglantina.

450 g. eglantina of fruits or hips (the leaves can also be used)

Lemon juice.

Cover fruits and leaves with water and boil until well soft.

Drain almost all the water and crushed. Pass all through a sieve and add the lemon juice.

English is a recipe to accompany beef and lamb and ensure that powers are energized and tonics.


Salsa eglantina.

450 g. eglantina of fruits or hips (the leaves can also be used)

Lemon juice.

Cover fruits and leaves with water and boil until well soft.

Drain almost all the water and crushed. Pass all through a sieve and add the lemon juice.

English is a recipe to accompany beef and lamb and ensure that powers are energized and tonics.


The name of Rosa canina that botanists give this wild Rose comes to be the Latin translation of the Greek word kynorhodon in Castilian cinorrodon with these roses were known in ancient times which means "pink dog. ".

The shape of the goads that this Rose is armed, reminiscent of the tusks of the dogs, would have reason to use this name, rather than an idea purely derogatory, compared with roses in the gardens as a noble means Sallent ("Flora de Catalunya", II, pp. 301)

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