guazuma ulmifolia

GUASIMO (guazuma ulmifolia) - HIPERnatural.COM
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guazuma ulmifolia
This plant is found in warm climates of Central America and Panama. It is one of the most popular remedies against gastrointestinal ailments. It is alleged that our ancestors used the bark, leaves, tender shoots, roots and fruits of Guázima to heal sores, urinary retention, syphilis, cough, malaria, inappetence and epithelial disorders. It is also used to counter fever, colds, vomiting, diabetes, gastritis, rheumatism, elephantiasis and as a disinfectant. A standard skin rashes, dermatitis, minor injuries and scalp using the infusion of this plant as a tea or applied directly sap.

Shrub or tree up to 25 m in height, trunk cracked and branched near the ground. It has elongated leaves medium - sized, white and yellow flowers and fruits globose with small bumps outside. It was also found in temperate and dry climates. Grows associated with the tropical deciduous forest, subcaducifolia, subperennifolia, evergreen, with mountain cloud forests of oak and pine.

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