psidium guajava

GUAYABA (psidium guajava) - HIPERnatural.COM
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psidium guajava
Other Names:

Araz, Arrayan, Hurapo, Luma, patches, Piche, Sahuinto.

This plant has a very old and now it is important to treat nearly half a hundred ailments in most parts of the country. It is often used in gastrointestinal diseases like diarrhea, chills and stomach pain, through the infusion of leaves three times daily or as water usage, but also can be taken with milk, baking soda, sugar and mint leaves. In Panama is used in cooking to treat vomiting and weakness; baking sheets used for dysentery and colic. In ailments of the skin, the leaves alone or mixed with other herbs, are set to boil and then apply either local or washed cataplasms. On the other hand, it is recommended to decay, swelling, bile, scarlet fever, vaginal bleeding, wounds, fever and dehydration.

It is a very aromatic tree, which was cultivated by native Mexicans before the arrival of the Spanish. The guava fruit is one of the richest in vitamin C, since some varieties are five times more than the orange.

Habitat: originates in the tropical Americas, from Mexico to Brazil. At present it is cultivated in warm areas of America, Africa and Asia.

Description: tree of the family of Myrtaceae reaching up to 6 meters high. Smooth, bark brown, with elliptical leaves and opposite. Da white flowers and a few fleshy fruits, with spherical shape and pink or white pulp.

Used parts: leaves, bark of the roots and fruits.

Properties and indications: the leaves and bark of the roots of guava contain abundant substances tánicas. In Central America have been using since time immemorial to fight diarrhea and dysentery. Applied locally in the form of mouthwash and gargarismos, its decoction is also useful in cases of stomatitis (inflammation of the oral mucosa) and pharyngitis. The fruits contain mucilages, pectin, small amounts of protides and lipids, minerals (potassium, calcium, iron and phosphorus, especially) and vitamins A, B, and especially the G. Antiscorbutic properties, remineralizing and toning. Its use is especially useful in cases of physical exhaustion, malnutrition or weakness. They provide a slight laxative effect.

Use: decoction with 50 grams. of leaves and bark of the roots of a liter of water, swallowed a cup every 4 hours, until it is cut diarrhea. The fruits are made fresh, jelly or marmalade.

Externally, in mouthwashes and gargarismos, which are made with the same decoction described for internal use.

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