lino linum usitatissimum

LINER (lino linum usitatissimum) - HIPERnatural.COM
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lino linum usitatissimum
Other Names:

Linavera, Linera.

4000 years ago in Mediterranean countries that are grown for obtaining flax fiber textiles, and more than 2, 500 that is used as medicine. Hippocrates recommended it as an emollient in the V century BC.

Habitat: native of the Middle East, but cultivated in many temperate countries of Europe and America.

Description: herbaceous plant from 40 to 80 cms. height, the family of the LINAC. Its stem is erect and its elongated, narrow leaves. The flowers are pale blue, with 5 petals. The fruit is a capsule globose, with 10 brown seeds.

Used parts: the linseed (flax seeds)

Properties and indications: the seeds contain large amounts of mucilage and pectin, which give it emollient properties and laxatives, as well as minerals and lipids of high biological value (essential fatty acids, unsaturated) These are the indications and applications:

Chronic constipation, then lubricates the digestive duct, making them more soft feces. In addition, regenerates the intestinal flora, regulating the processes of putrefaction and fermentation. Its effect is very obvious, because in case of de - composition intestinal faeces lose their smell pútrido.

Gastritis, duodenitis and gastroduodenal ulcer: Presents an emollient and anti - inflammatory action, which promotes the regeneration of damaged gastrointestinal mucosa. It is recommended to take the linseeds in decoction as a complement, associated with the specific treatment of these processes.

Inflammation of the respiratory tract and the urinary tract: bronchitis and cystitis, especially, for its emollient and softening effect on the mucous membranes.

Flax seed (linseed) can also be used as food. They are especially recommended for diabetics, for its low percentage of carbs, and its high content of proteins and lipids (fats) They must consume them suffer from malnutrition or who want to get fat. The cataplasms flaxseed meal apply whenever required constant heat: colds and bronchitis, menstrual pain, cramping abdominal pain (kidney or gallstones) intestinal spasms, insect bites, abscesses and furúnculos. They have a decisive action, antispasmodic, sedative and anti - inflammatory, plus keep the heat for a long time.

The linseed oil is used as a softening of the skin in case of eczema, dry skin, minor burns and skin diseases in general.

Use: decoction for 5 minutes, 30 grams of seed per liter of water, 2 or 3 cups per day, sweetened with honey if desired. Maceration: It is left to stand for 12 hours a tablespoon of seeds for every glass of water, take 2 or 3 glasses a day of the resulting liquid. You can also eat the seeds intact, chewing (a tablespoon every 12 hours)

It is used externally on cataplasms: crushed linseed (flaxseed meal) are added to boiling water until a thick slurry; normally require 30 to 40 grams per liter of water (when you apply the poultice, it should protect the skin with a fine cloth to avoid burns) Lotions with linseed oil that is applied directly over the area of affected skin.

Precautions: the oil content in flaxseed meal is rancidity very easily, causing skin irritation. It is therefore appropriate that, to prepare the cataplasms is always use flour recently.

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