
Nutmeg () - HIPERnatural.COM
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Active Principles.

Essential oil (5 - 15%) terpénicos hydrocarbons (pinene, canfeno, sabineno, dipentene, sabineno, cymene, alpha - Thujone, terpineno) alcohols terpénicos (borneol, geraniol) eugenol, safrole, elemicina and a significant amount of miristicina (8%) Fat (30 - 40%) miristina, glycerides of oleic acid, linolenic acid, palmitic, myristic.

Drug Action.

Stimulating appetite, digestive, Carmine, antiseptic, colerética, stimulating the nervous system, oxytocin.

In topical use: rubefaciente.


Inappetence, dyspepsia hiposecretoras, meteorism, diarrhea, enterocolitis.

In topical use: halitosis, osteo inflammation, myalgia, neuralgia.


Do not prescribe the essential oil during pregnancy, lactation, small children or patients with neurological syndromes.

Do not administer, or topically applied to children under six years old or people with respiratory allergies or with known hypersensitivity to this or other essential oils.

Side Effects.

Nutmeg essential oil and its present, in doses extraterapéuticas, convulsive effects and narcotics.

Galenica forms / Dosage.

Internal use:

Essential oil:

2 - 3 drops, two or three times a day on a sugar cube, or in an infusion.

Capsules (50 mg / CAPS) two or three a day.

External use:

Liniment, prepared with the "butter myristic, " as rubefaciente.


Bruneton, J. Elements of Phytochemistry and Pharmacognosy. Zaragoza: Acribia, 1991, pp. 263 - 4.

D'Arcy, PF. Adverse reactions and interactions with herbal medicines. Part II. Drug interactions. Adverse Drug React Toxicol Rev 1993; 12 (3) 147 - 162.

James, A; Duke, Ph. D. Handbook of Medicinal Herbs. 5. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press, 1987, pp. 163; 319 - 21, 383; 431; 521; 561.

Mulet, L. Ethnobotanical survey of the province of Castellon. Castellon: Provincial, 1991, pp. 292 - 5.

Mulet, L. Toxic Plants of Valencia. Castellon: Provincial, 1997, p. 516.

Paris, RR; Moyse, M. Summary of Matter Médicale. Take II. Paris: Masson, 1967, p. 169.

Samuelsson, G. Drugs of Natural Origin. A Textbook of Pharmacognosy. Stockholm: Swedish Pharmaceutical Press, 1992, pp. 94 - 5.

Trease, GE, Evans, WCh. Pharmacognosy. Mexico City: Inter - MacGraw - Hill, 1991, p. 483.

Van Hellemont, J. Compendium of Phytothérapie. Bruxelles: Association Pharmaceutique Belge, 1986, pp. 258 - 9.

Villar, L; Palacín, JM; Calvo, C. Gomez, D; Montserrat, G. Medicinal Plants of the Aragonese Pyrenees and other tierrras Huesca. 2. Huesca: Provincial, 1992, p. 158.

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