Bush Morisca

zarzaparrillasmilax aspera

Bush Morisca (zarzaparrillasmilax aspera) - HIPERnatural.COM
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Bush Morisca
zarzaparrillasmilax aspera
Other Names:

SALSAPARRILLA, Grapes of Dog, Bush Morisca.

Known by Dioscorides and Theophrastus, also mentioned the Laguna and Mattioli. However, his popularity reached the highest levels when the Spaniards used the name of sarsaparilla to several American species of the genus Smilax (seventeenth century) including:

Mexican sarsaparilla or Veracruz (Smilax aristolochiifolia Miller) which as its name suggests is mainly in Veracruz and elsewhere in Mexico.

Sarsaparilla Honduras (Smilax regelii Killip. Morton) typical of Central America and the Caribbean.

Jamaican sarsaparilla (Smilax of - ficinalis Kunth. Which occurs in Central America and the Caribbean.

Sarsaparilla Lisbon (Smilax spruceana ADC) also called for Marañón or Pará, Brazil itself.

Philippine sarsaparilla (Smilax leu - cophylla Blume) which is grown in Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines.

The composition and properties of all these species of the genus Smilax are very similar to the rough and sarsaparilla were used by the Indians as depurativas, and as they attributed healing powers on syphilis, raised great expectations, which are then proved unfounded.

Habitat: Dry forests of Central and South America and southern Europe.

Description: subshrub thorny for the family of Liliaceae, which climbs a tree up to 40 m in height. Its leaves are large, lined with thorns and with a heart - shaped. The flowers are white and soft fruit or blackish.

Used parts: the rhizome and root.

Properties and indications: glycosides contain saponin, resin and essential oil, which give it diuretic properties, sudorific, depurativas, snacks and invigorating. It favors the elimination of urea, uric acid and other organic waste, and lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood. It is used in the following cases:

Rheumatism, arthritism, gout.

Diseases of the kidneys: kidney stones, nephritis, kidney failure.

Febrile diseases: influenza, tropical fevers, and so on.

Inappetence, heavy digestions.

Dermatological conditions: acne and eczema.

In the treatment of syphilis may be interesting but only as a supplement to the specific treatment for its purifying action.

Use: infuse with 30 - 40 grams of rhizomes or root crushed in a liter of water, which consume 3 to 5 cups a day before meals.

Precautions: High doses cause nausea and vomiting. Not recommended for the consumption of berries in the sarsaparilla. Not to be confused with those of their berries or nuts of the ivy, which are very toxic.

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