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MELAN nevi (LUNAR) - HIPERnatural.COM
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Nevus Melánicos (Lunar)

The "pigmentarios spots" or nevus are proliferations of the melánicas cells of the skin and mucous that originate located brown - dark spots good.


I foretell of nevus is good because usually they remain stable, with few changes and even the espontanea disappearance to the oldness. If some injury trasforma can be degenerated towards melanoma malignant of I foretell uncertain but always it burdens.


The treatment of nevus is almost exclusively the simple surgical extirpation with safety margin in extension and depth, along with the histopatológico study of the injury. Thus we can guarantee the treatment and total disappearance of the process without recidiva possibility nor malignización. But it is not necessary to extirpate all nevus, since the majority is stable benign. Those that by their nature (displásicos, giant, Spilus. or for other reasons advise only eliminated.


In order to prevent the appearance with nevus any rule does not exist, but so that they are not possible to be trasformar in melanomas or to try to diagnose this process in precocious form is due to visit the dermatologist whenever in a spot exists:

Fast modification in the size, forms or coloration.

Bud of dark spots or nodulitos near nevus.

I pull ahead inflammatory peripheral (not to confuse with halonevus white of Sutton)

Erosion, scabs, bled or ulceración.

Pain or picor.

Appearance of ganglia.

Special forms.

Halonevus de Sutton: nevus pigmentario surrounded by I haul despigmentado target that can make disappear the initial injury.

Nevus de Spitz: Small tumor of amaillo - reddish color that appears in the face of children. Unique injury, to papulo - nodular.

Nevus Spilus or Nevus on nevus: Brown spot of nevoide aspect on which dark and marked other is observed nevus but. As it has potentiality of malignizar itself is due to extirpate. Nevus Displásico: they are nevus acquired, sometimes multiple, of irregular edges and variable color within same nevus. Usually they have a slight or noticeable infiltration, being able to make relief. Predominance in trunk and extremities. Also they are potentially degenerative and they are due to extirpate quickly.

Clinical forms.

Nevus Congenital: They appear from the birth or to the few days of life. They can be multiple or of great size and capricious forms (in mask, esclavina, trousers, savannah. and to have great volume and to be elevated. Sometimes they have great amount of hair in its surface, when we see them after years. Edges affluent defined and variable color, even within same nevus. They are subclassified in small, medium or great (but of 10 cm) As they have greater risk of malignización and they are very ugly is due to always value his surgical extirpation.

Nevus Acquired throughout the life. They are very frequent and they do not have to worry. Usually they are small (smaller of 8 mm) color brown - dark - black, cleared, flat or cupuliformes, smooth and, sometimes, vegetating and verrucosos. Sometimes they have hairs. In some cases are losing color simulating fibromatosas injuries. Rare time they degenerate, but it agrees not to expose them to the sun much, to avoid repeated traumatismos or to burn them with acids.

Factors of risk.

In the last years this being stated that, some melanomas (malignant tumor of the skin and with great metastático power) are originated from some type of nevus. For that reason it is fundamental knowing the risks that run these injuries of cancerificación. The solar radiation is greater factor of risk, mainly in people with familiar history of melanomas, of clear skin and eyes (fototipo 2 - 3) that have had cutaneous burns at some time of their life, which they have nevus giant from the childhood or which they present / display a variety acquired of nevus (displásicos)

Signs and symptoms.

The spots are polimorfas injuries as far as the size, color, surface and evolution. When appear in nińos (alrededor of a 15% of nevus) usually they are small, flat and of brown - clear color. According to spends the time they are formed new injuries of variable size, between puntiformes to biconvex, of dark color but and that can make relief. In the puberty and pregnancy usually they increase, and in the old ones usually they are disappearing. In any case a 20 - 25 is normal having about nevus by person. Normally usually they do not produce annoyances (they do not itch nor they hurt) they have a discreet growth throughout the life, can change slowly of color, they appear small hairs and they simulate ugly warts that justify their extirpation.


The melánicas cells (melanoblastos and melanocitos) emigrate around the 3 - 5 embryonic month towards epidermis. If I number of these cells he is great take place acumulos at epidérmico or skin level, that by traslucir the color to the cutaneous surface is translated in dark spots.

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