
Scabious () - HIPERnatural.COM
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Legend has it that the devil, recognizing the virtues of Escabiosa was angered, and so no one will take advantage of it, broke her following a bite, which explains its peculiar shape.

Escabiosa branch along with a detail of fruit. She took advantage of their flowers and leaves to prepare herbal teas expectorants, and its rhizome is an infusion of depurativas properties.

Its name derives from the Latin Scabies, which means scabies. He refers to his power to cure skin diseases or skin manifestations of other diseases such as syphilis or the plague, which was much used during the Middle Ages. It is currently used by homeopaths as a tincture to cure certain skin diseases.

FEATURES: It is a perennial plant, which is more than a meter tall with a green stem, completely straight culminating in several floral appendages made up of small spherical flower heads in the form of chalice, blue or violet. The leaves, oval, closer to its end, are arranged in pairs, along the stem, one against the other, forming a common basis for both. Underground, the stem widens and grows horizontally to a certain point where it appears to be cut with a knife (hence the legend of the devil) In this underground stem (rhizome) hanging around frayed rootlets absorbent function.

LOCATION: It is a plant itself on the European continent, typical of wet grasslands in the mountains or the lowlands, grows spontaneously by all of it is up to 2000m altitude.

Used Part.

The flowering tops, leaves.

ACTIVE: The entire plant contains a feature called glucoside Escabiosa also have been found tannins, minerals (especially potassium salts) possesses the rhizome saponin, which is not in the thallus or leaves on the stem or leaves.

MEDICINAL PROPERTIES: If, initially, applications were made in a skin diseases, today it is known to be purifying (hence its virtues in the affections of the skin) astringent, expectorant and vulnerary.

COLLECTING: Flowering begins in summer and autumn, is the time during which you can boot the plant, because it uses all of it, especially the rhizome with the roots adjacent. There are also those who prefer the rhizome before flowering, as it is when it contains higher proportion of active ingredients, but then their size is smaller.

USES AND APPLICATIONS: The flowers and leaves, fresh, can be used to prepare a tea fluidificante expectorant and respiratory tract useful in diseases such as bronchitis or simple colds (c enough to prepare the infusion handful of flowers, or 3 or 4 leaves, or both half and half and taking it very hot three times a day. To seize the properties depurativas uses its infusion of rhizomes.

Active Principles.

Tannins, bitter principles: Sesquiterpenes lactones.

Drug Action.

Plant very poorly studied. Popularly used as depurative, laxative, antipruritic, balsamic (expectorant) appetizer and vulnerary (healing)


Inappetence, bronchitis, eczema, measles, constipation, not hungry, wounded.

Galenica forms / Dosage.

Internal use:

Infusion: one tablespoon per cup of dessert. Infuse 10 minutes. Two or three cups a day.

External use:

Infusion: implemented in the form of lotions or towels.


Bézanger - Beauquesne, L; Pinkas, M; Torck, M; Trotin, F. Medicinal plants of temperate Regions. Paris: Maloine, 1980, pp. 369.

Villar, L; Palacín, JM; Calvo, C. Gomez, D; Montserrat, G. Medicinal Plants of the Aragonese Pyrenees and other tierrras Huesca. 2. Huesca: Provincial, 1992, p. 134.

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