lobelia inflata

LOVELIA (lobelia inflata) - HIPERnatural.COM
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lobelia inflata
Used Part.

The leaves.

Active Principles.

Have been isolated a score of alkaloids of the type of piperidine and methylpiperidine, the most important of which is lobeline. They also highlight the lobelanina and lobelanidina.

Drug Action.

Pollen is a adrenergic (sympathomimetic) increases the frequency and strength of the heartbeat, serving as coronariodilatadora, decreases peristalsis and increases intestinal tone. Causes release of liver glycogen, inhibit bile secretion, decreased urine output, is vasoconstrictor, it increases blood pressure. By unloading produce adrenaline, stimulates the central nervous system - level centers bulbares, producing bronchodilation. The isolobinina has a balmy, expectorant and antiasmático.


Asthma, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, respiratory failure (such as emergency medication) For his gangliopléjico effect similar to nicotine (it acts as an antagonist) advocated their use in nicotine addiction.


Hypertension, pregnancy, lactation. Do not prescribe psychiatric drugs simultaneously or with other drugs alkaloids.

Caution / Poisoning.

It is a very toxic plant (DL = 4g) can cause vomiting, diarrhea, hypotension, tachycardia, and bradycardia, followed by anxiety, stupor, convulsions and death from respiratory paralysis.

Due to differences in the composition of the plant depending on its provenance, it is more advisable to use standardized forms, valued at lobeline, or alkaloids isolated or semisynthetic.

Galenica forms / Dosage.

Tincture (1: 10) 100 - 300 mg, one to three times a day. Maximum dose = 3 g / day.

Dust micronized: 50 to 300 grams, one to three times a day. Maximum dose = 1. 5 g / day.


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