helianthus tuberosus

TUPINAMBO (helianthus tuberosus) - HIPERnatural.COM
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helianthus tuberosus
Castilian: tupinambo, Pataca, marenquera.

English: Jerusalem artichoke, topinambur.

The Tupinambo (Jerusalem artichoke) It is used by the tubers that you can eat fresh or raw, cooked very appetizing like Irish potatoes, or pickled. The tubers are used to feed cattle, sheep and pigs. Stems and leaves are rich in fats, protein and pectin, and make good fodder and silage. The alcohol fermented from the tubers are said to be of better quality than those of sugar beets.

It is known in folk medicine as an aphrodisiac, colagogo, diuretic, spermatogenico, stomaquico and tonic, the Jerusalem artichoke is a folk remedy for diabetes and rheumatism (Duke and Carro, 1981) The chemistry from the reserves of food are stored in the form of inulin, the tubers are used as substitutes for potatoes and starches in diets of diabetic. They are a potential source of levulose for use in the sweetening for diabetics.

Composition: A report notes that of Jerusalem artichokes contain about 80% water, the remainder composed of about 15% of protein, 1% fat, 75% of nitrogen - free extract with 60% of inulin, 4% fiber and 5% ash. A different report cites 80% water, the rest is 10% protein, 76% starch, 1% oil, 6% fiber, 5% ash. The match is about 0. 099% calcium, 0. 023%, 3. 4 mg / 100 G plate with traces of aluminum, chlorine, iodine, magnesium, potassium, in solium of sulfur, and zinc. Small amounts of Vitamins B and C; purine bases arginine, histidine, betaine, choline, and hemagglutinin are present.

Description: Perennial grass often is grown an annual basis, with branches and underground stems or roots and tubers that grow into white, red or purple peeled, looking at the size of 7. 5 - 10 cm long, 3 - 5 cm thick; the 1. 5 - 3 M stems erect tall, hirsute, leaves the front or top alternate, ovate to ovate - rectangular seiera - toothed, rough up, with winged petiole; 5 - 7. 5 Few heads of many in the tips of branches; 12 to 20 rays, light yellow, visible, the disc yellow seed is planted, preferably between July and August. Has been introduced and become naturalized throughout the temperate regions in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. The class of the Jerusalem artichoke is a desirable crop in any soil and climate where they grow corn. Survive in poor soil and in areas as cold as Alaska. Tolerate hot temperatures below zero. The first covered with frost kills the stems and leaves, but the tubers resist freezing for months.

It grows best in sun but can tolerate some shade. The plants do not bloom in northern Europe. are sensitive to light, requiring longer periods to maturity of the seedling plant, and the shorter periods for the formation of the tuber. They do not grow where days vary little. Traverse of the Temperate Steppe Fresh wet to dry by Tropical Life of Wetlands of International Forest, Jerusalem artichoke is reported to tolerate annual precipitation of 3. 1 to 28. 2 dm (average of 40 cases = 10. 1) the annual temperature of 6. 3 to 26. 6 ° C (average 40 cases = 13. 3) and the pH of 4. 5 to 8. 2 (average 37 cases = 64) Duke, 1978, 1979) The Jerusalem artichoke is propagated by tubers, which should be planted as early as possible in the spring when the ground can be worked satisfactorily.


Chabbert, N. Braun, P. Guiraud, JP, Arnoux, M. and Galzy, P. 1983. Productivity and fermentability of Jerusulam artichoke according to harvesting date. Biomass 3: 209 - 224.

Duke, J. A. 1978. The quest for tolerant germplasm. p. 1 - 61. In: ASA Special Symposium 32, Crop tolerance to land suboptimal conditions. Am. Soc. Agron. Madison, WI.

Duke, J. A. 1979. Ecosystematic data on economic plants. Quart. J. Crude Drug Res. 17 (3 - 4) 91 - 110.

Duke, J. A. and Wain, K. K. 1981. Medicinal plants of the world. Computer index with more than 85. 000 entries. 3 vols.

Palz, W. and Chartier, P. eds. 1980. Energy from biomass in Europe. Applied Science Publishers Ltd. London.

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