Vitamin B3

Information about vitamin

Vitamin B3
The B3 Vitamin or niacina is a soluble water vitamin (hidrosoluble) like the B1 and B2, and works like part of 2 enzymes NAD and NADP. These work in the cycle of energy of the glicógeno, that is the fatty acid oxidation in energy, and the weave breathing. This nutrient this food present even highly process.


He is vital in the liberation of energy for the maintenance of the integrity of all the cells of the organism and to form neurotransmitters. He is essential for the sexual hormone synthesis, and the elaboration of cortisone, tiroxina and insulin in the organism, helping, therefore and among other things, to maintain a skin heals and an efficient digestive system. He is indispensable for the health of the brain and the nervous system.

Daily dose.

Suckling baby:

6 Months: 6 mg.

1 Year: 8 mg.


1 to 6 Years: 9 mg.

6 to 10 Years: 16 mg.

Men: 16mg.

Women: 15 mg.


The deficiency of this vitamin can be caused by prolonged medicine treatments certain. Its absence can cause gastrointestinales dermatitises, upheavals (gastric pains, losses of appetite and diarrea) fatigue, depression and even dementia. It produces pelagra, disease time back very feared and well - known by badly of the three D (dermatitis, diarrea and dementia)


In its form of niacina, to ingest but of 30mg causes vascular expansion with some symptoms. Besides to cause it feels nauseous, vomit and problems of the liver when taking in overdoses.


Thin meat, fish, leavening of beer, bran of wheat, peanuts, the germ and integral flour of wheat, orejones of peach and apricot, maize, red pepper, vegetables of leaf, tomato, melon, handle, milk, cheese and eggs.

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