Uterine myomas

Disease information

Uterine myomas - HIPERnatural.COM
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Uterine myomas
They are benign tumors, noncancerous that grow to expenses of the muscular layer of the called uterus miometrio.

Also leiomiomas or fibromas is called and is secondary to the abnormal growth of a group of cells of the uterine wall.

Its location is varied and can appear in the surface of the uterus, in the thickness of its wall or in its interior although sometimes they appear simultaneously in all these sites.

The size usually varies, can be very small or to get to have a size that forces the uterus to include all pelvis and the low part of the abdomen. They can appear of independent form or in form of clusters.

This problem is relatively frequent and one of three women being considers itself more or less that the 35 and 55 years, have mioma, that in other terms, is a uterus of size greater than the normal one.

Miomas has their origin in a hormonal imbalance since apparently the development of miomas depends on estrogens.

Porqué women develop miomas and other no, it seems that she depends on a genetic predisposition and to have a uterus that is more sensible to the action of estrogens.

Between the women of greater risk they are those than they have on weight or obesity, since the excess of fat conditions the estrogen levels and with it the appearance of miomas is favored.

A percentage of the women does not present / display any symptom, others nevertheless, the majority suffer some like.

pelvic Pain.

abdominal Inflammation.

Bled uterine irregular, abundant and / or outside time.

Pain during the sexual relations.

Anemia caused by the loss of blood.

When miomas grows much, and due to the compression that they cause, they can cause.

urinary Problems with difficulty, incontinencia by the pressure or pain.

chronic Constipation.


Miomas occupies one of the main causes of infertility or sterility, as well as of spontaneous abortions, reason by which it is gone to medical consultation and the problem is discovered.

IMPORTANT. The content of this note is informative and it does not replace the medical diagnosis, reason why we do not become people in charge on its use.

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