
Belladonna () - HIPERnatural.COM
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In the Middle Ages, was part of the nightshade 'ointment of witches ", a potion that also involved in the Bethlehem (plants such as belladonna, rich in alkaloids) and that applied to the skin. It was enough to provoke a state of obnubilación during which, according to the stories of those who experienced such a sensation, thought unlikely to fly over places and participate in thousands of extraordinary experiences. Most of sorcerers who supplied the ointment ended his days at the stake.

FEATURES: Plant perennial underground stem (rhizome) that emerges from the cylindrical root, very long, up to one meter, in the form of a turnip. The stem air of a meter or more in height is divided into three or more branches of the same starting point, covered with pelusilla. The leaves, large, oval, with the edges intact, are placed in alternating on the bottom, while at the top are arranged together in pairs, greater than the other, between which appears on the stalk a flower. The result, at first green, red is the mature, the look and color of cherries, but unlike them, is poisonous. Beware!

LOCATION: Lives in Central Europe, West Asia and West Africa in the clearings of forests, especially in deforested areas. In Spain to Italy also grows spontaneously in some mountainous areas. Requires calcareous soil, deep, rich in nitrogen and, above all, plenty of sunshine, because it depends leaves to produce alkaloids.

Medicinal properties: It is known from the time of the Romans, which paralyzes the nightshade activity of the iris of the eye is said that the girls were put belladonna in their eyes open the iris to maintain and enhance its beauty. Probably hence comes the name of belladonna. Indeed, atropine paralyzes the activity of the iris of the eye, as well as the muscles of the pharynx, swallowing impossible. It is, in general, a sedative.

HARVESTING: In late summer, after the ripening of the fruit, because from then begins to decline the synthesis of alkaloids.

USES AND APPLICATIONS: its use should be left in the hands of specialists. Atropine is used by ophthalmologists to examine the eyes.

The toxicity of the nightshade is an illustration that recalls the lore that no one should sleep next to a plant belladonna, as their scent would suffice to take the life.

Sprig of nightshade with its fruit, which is poisonous. It must know it can grow spontaneously in mountainous areas.

The belladonna paralyzes the activity of iris and it is used by ophthalmologists to examine the eyes.

Used Part.

The leaves and roots.

Active Principles.

Parts Air: tropánicos alkaloids (0, 03 - 0, 06%) l - hiosciamina (predominant in the fresh plant) atropine (at the plant dry) norhiosciamina, noratropina. Esters of escopanol: Scopolamine or hioscina, atroscina. Hidroxicumarina: escopoletol.

Root, root: cumarinas: escopoletol, umbeliferona, hiosciamina, atropine, cuscohigrina, bellaradina.

Drug Action.

It has an effect parasimpatholytic: midriático, bronchodilator, vasoconstrictor, decreases the secretion of salivary, gastric, nasal, sudorales, etc. Combat contractions espasmódicas digestive level. At the external level, has a local analgesic effect.


Bronchial spasms, asthma, colic pains: gastrointestinal, hepatic, nephritic; excesses SECRETORY: sudorales, nasal, salivary, gastric (hiperclorhidria) Mydriasis for ophthalmic.


Glaucoma, hypertension, prostate adenoma.

Side Effects.

Dry mouth, tachycardia, Mydriasis pronounced, nausea, delirium, loss of consciousness.

Caution / Poisoning.

All the plant, especially the berries, is highly toxic and can cause fatal accidents, especially in children.

The poisoning is characterized by clinical symptoms of anticholinergic type: dry mouth, tachycardia, Mydriasis pronounced, nausea, agitation delirium, loss of consciousness and death from respiratory depression of the centers.

Galenica forms / Dosage.

Due to the high toxicity of alkaloids and the low therapeutic make its prescription via internal dose and weight.

Exclusive use under medical supervision. Prescribed dosage forms with the assessment of its content in alkaloids.


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