jacaranda coerulea l.

GUALANDAY (jacaranda coerulea l.) - HIPERnatural.COM
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jacaranda coerulea l.
Names in Spanish: flower cross.

Common name in English: jacaranda; palisander, palissandre (the latter two names correspond to the species Jacaranda cuspidifolia which has the same uses in traditional medicine that gualanday, mimosifolia J. D. Don)

Tree of 20 meters. high and further trunk of 50 cm. diameter gray yellowish - white, well - branched, erect and elongated cup. Leaves opposite of some 26 cm. long, pinnate with numerous leaflets, wigs in the beam and vellosos on underside; blossoms about 4 cm. long and 1. 5 cm. wide, blue and something raped in terminal panicles of about 15 mm. long, Campanula corolla tube widened at the base; ouisram stamens, with segments of 1 / 5; capsular fruit, ovoid depressed, winged seeds rough, dark.

Propagation: mostly by seed, but no other method is widely used by stake.

Uses reported by the oral tradition: The Gualanday is one of the remedies that fame has more to cure ailments syphilitic, combat skin ailments, nerve and bone pain. Also cure hemorrhoids, the varices, the various disorders of the liver, eczema, boils and everything to do with the impurities from the blood.

Drugs approved: leaves (though the crust is the drug most rich in active ingredients)

Source and other aspects: from tropical America, mainly in northern South America. It is grown as an ornamental plant in many parts of the world.

Uses in traditional medicine: the decoction of the root is used as a diaphoretic. The syrup of the root is used particularly against venereal disease and furunculosis ensures that within a week cures furunculosis; also be used against hemorrhoids, the varices, disorders of the liver, eczema and impurities from the blood. The decoction of the bark or root is used in washing to heal ulcers (including venereal) arthritis, varicose veins, chickenpox, rebels sores, wounds and Scrofulosorum. By mouth is used to cure syphilis, gonorrhea, diabetes, bone pain, rheumatism and arthritis; in the form of gargarismos, to heal the ailments of the throat. The syrup or decoction of the leaves or bark, taken orally or applied in hot baths on the affected part, is considered a remedy to alleviate the chronic syphilis and gonorrhea, as well as other sexually transmitted diseases, skin and rheumatic; also chancros, the bubo, inveterate ulcers of the mouth, impetigo, psoriasis, the furunculosis, the Phlegmonosum, hemorrhoids, the varices, the eczema, disorders of the liver, nerve and bone pain; to regularize the menstruation and as a diuretic, purified from the blood, and anti vulnerary. The decoction of the leaves or bark is used orally against ulcers and externally is used in vaginal washings. Dust from the dried leaves, sprinkled over ulcers is used as a disinfectant.

Chemical composition: acid jacaranda, jacaranona acid jacoumárico, Ursola acid and other substances.

Properties gualanday scientifically tested: the extract of the leaves is a potent antiseptic in vitro cultivation of Stafilococcus aureus and Neisseria gonorrheae. In cases of impetigo child, with the use of the extract in the form of an ointment, there is a total resolution of the lesion in a span of 48 hours. The lotion gualanday show activity on acne. The Jacaranda behaves as antitumor agent (Piñeros and Others, 1988)

Recommendations: almost all species of the genus Jacaranda are frequently used as medicinal plants in Colombia, also applied to them more or less the same therapeutic properties. When the preparation is used externally, and only in such cases, we recommend mixing it with potassium iodide to increase its share.

Warnings: In no case can be prepared ingest mixed with potassium iodide, these are only for external use or washes. In general, the use must be outside because the Gualanday is cytotoxic (Ogura, 1977)

gisaza@webcolombia. com.

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