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The fern called 'female' is the most common of all, this one gets its name as opposed to the previous one. Its rhizomes, perhaps once phallic symbol, containing the active ingredients of the plant.

FEATURES: It is one of the ferns to higher dimensions. The fronds can reach up to one meter in length, are born from one end of the rhizome, at number 8 or 10. The rhizome is also the thinnest, up to 10 cm. in diameter and about 40 long. From the opposite end of the fronds emerge tiny rootlets that ensure the absorption of nutrients. The spores, grouped into spherical structures called Soros, are located on the underside of the fronds.

LOCATION: It grows in moist forests in remote areas of sunlight, next to streams, fountains or ponds. He prefers the forests of oak or beech, but adapting to other plant communities if the high moisture it needs.

Medicinal properties: As has been pointed out, the rhizome, rich in fluoroglúcidos, is used to expel the parasitic worms from intestines of man, but must take into account two important observations. On the one hand, these compounds are paralyzing the worm but not to kill, for that treatment to be complemented with a substance that helps to evacuate the intestinal contents (laxative) The second issue is that fluoroglúcidos can be toxic to humans if the dose is not adequate.

COLLECTION: The amount of the rhizome fluoroglúcidos varies depending on the season. Autumn is the ideal time to collect rhizomes, and that is when its active ingredients are at their maximum concentration.

USES AND APPLICATIONS: For problems that can lead to excessive doses, should be a specialist who will check the pattern, an overdose could cause blindness and death in extreme cases.

Active Principles.

Oleoresin (5 - 15%) which consists of a resinous fraction consisting basically of derivatives floroglucinol: filicina (mixture of phenol derivatives unicycle (aspinidiol, filicínico acid) bicíclicos (albaspina, flavaspídico acid) and tricyclics (filícico acid) and a fraction ethereal (essential oil) with traces of free fatty acids.

Drug Action.

Parasiticide, active against roundworms, flukes and tapeworms.


Intestinal parasites: especially taeniasis.


Pregnancy, breast feeding, heart disease, kidney failure.

Incompatible with alcohol, oils and fats, which promote intestinal absorption of Phloroglucinol.

Side Effects.

It can cause gastroenteritis, hematuria and bronchospasm.

Caution / Poisoning.

Plant very toxic (DL: 0, 3 - 3 g / kg of ether extract)

Exclusive use by prescription and under medical supervision.

Galenica forms / Dosage.

We recommend not to prescribe for internal use.


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