Polyarteritis nodosa (P.A.N.)

Disease information

Polyarteritis nodosa (P.A.N.) - HIPERnatural.COM
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Polyarteritis nodosa (P.A.N.)
Nodosa Poliarteritis (P. A. N.

Disease of the conectivo weave, one of the different affections related to the colágeno weave. The colágeno is a protein that forms most of all the conectivo weave.

The poliarteritis causes the inflammation of small and average arteries, diminishing the contribution of blood to weaves fed by the affected blood vessels. She is not contagious.


It affects both sexes, commonest in the men.


To all the ages, commonest in adults of more than 50 years.


Renal failure and death, in spite of the treatment.


Incurable is considered, although the symptoms can be alleviated or be controlled.

Many patients live long years with this disease and medical Literature mentions some examples of inexplicable treatment.

The scientific research follows its course, and it is hoped to be able to get to find a treatment and cures effective.


There are no specific preventive measures.

Let smoke.

Diagnosis and treatment.


File and physical examination by a doctor.

Analysis of the kidneys and the blood, including the speed of sedimentation.

Microscopic analysis of an affected weave sample (normally of the skin)


Medical treatment.

Surgery to extirpate part of the internal when these have been affected.

In the serious cases, hospitalization for intensive treatment.

General measures.

There are no specific instructions except for the enumerated ones in other sections.


His doctor can prescribe:


Great doses until mitigating the acute symptoms.

Later, the minims that control the symptoms.

Only take the cortisone while it is necessary.

The use of these drugs during long time causes serious adverse effects.

Drugs for the treatment of the affectation of the diverse organs, like drugs for the heart when it affects this one, or the antihipertensoras for high the arterial tension.

Single drugs inmunosipresivas - or with steroids when they fail the others.

These drugs raise additional risks, including serious generalized sépticas bacterial infections.


When they improve the symptoms, it resumes its normal activities gradually.


They appear inexplicable new symptoms.

The drugs used in this treatment can produce indirect effect.

Warn its medico if.

The muscular espasmos do not diminish in spite of the treatment.

Factors of risk.

Familiar antecedents of colágeno diseases or hypersensitivity.




It is considered, although not surely, a disease of autoimmunity or hypersensitivity.

In many people are not predisposition factors. The following factors are most common:

Bacterial infections.

Virales infections.

Drug use certain like sulfamidas, penicillins, antitiroideos, diuréticos with gold and tiacidas.

Vaccines (rare)

Signs and symptoms.

It varies according to the organ affected by the diminution of the sanguineous irrigation.

Most frequent they include:

Pain chest (yes it affects the heart)

Respiratory difficulties (yes it affects the lungs)

Abdominal pain (if it affects to the intestine or the liver)

Blood in tinkles it (yes it affects the kidneys)

Entumecimiento and creeps in hands and feet (yes it affects the nerves)

The course of the disease can be acute with fever, loss of weight and fast deterioration.

If the course is chronic, the corporal weaves will be destroyed throughout several years.

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