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Espasmos Nervous.

Definition - Aspects.

Etimológicamente, we will be all in agreement, espasmofilia comes from espasmos = contractions and filia = friend.

This affinity by espasmo does not exist for certain authors; a clinical form with own organization is not considered as particular. For other authors, however, one is a disease that affects the intracellular fosfo - calcic balance and, specially, mitocondrial.

At the moment it seems that a consensus with respect to its definition exists: espasmofilia can be defined as a constitutional pathological state characteristic of the association of functional manifestations of neurotic type and expressed signs of neuro - muscular hiperexcitabilidad in certain favorable conditions.

Biological Balance.

Since espasmofilia is solely a constitutional or functional upheaval, it does not provide by definition than normal results more, unless the sampling is made in rigorous conditions and that the valuations are of quality.

The calcium, the phosphorus, the sanguineous or globular magnesium, and calciuria are valued generally, that will be included / understood between 100 and 250 mg to the day. Espasmofilia cannot because to be based on any positive biological sign. Espasmofilia functional does not have to be confused with tetanias that indicates real endocrino - metabolic affections. This type of affection, rare, but that it tends to produce confusion at the time of diagnosing, is pronounced by important biological upheavals. We can mention:

The Hipoparatiroidismo.

calcemia and calciuria is in a low level minimum.

• the rate of parathormona is very low.

The Vitamin deficiency D.

• Lack of contribution.

• hepato - renales Upheavals (so that vitamin D is active, must be hidroxilada at level of the liver and the kidneys)

• Malabsorción.

Clinical Signs.

Espasmofilia can be declared of two different ways:

• Is by acute crisis (tetanic crisis)

• Is by a chronic state in which they are present a set of concordant and significant signs.

1. The crisis of espasmofilia.

It is the acute manifestation of the neuro - muscular hiperexcitabilidad maintained latent during long time. The diagnosis is easy:

• Creeps and cramps of the extremities (hands and feet)

• Anxiety, distresses, agitation.

• torácica Oppression.

• Contracturas muscular, bilateral and symmetrical at level of the members and the trunk. Presence of the famous nonspecific sign of CHVOSTEK: the abrupt percussion of the region to sub - malar (center of the cheek) produces a contraction of the muscle to orbicular of the lips, or even of all the face.

2. The bottom state espasmófilo.

This state is pronounced by a set of signs of anodyne appearance, that at the moment at which these are abundant provide an evident diagnosis. Most frequent they are:

Asthenia (70% of the cases) is pronounced mainly reason why vulgarly we denominated "pájaras" of severe character in habitually active people (not to confuse with hipoglucemias)

• psychic Signs (60% of the cases) anxiety, hiperemotividad, distresses, irritability, stress, upheavals of the dream (diminution of stage 5)

• torácicos Signs (40% of the cases) torácica oppression, atypical palpitaciones, dispnea, sincerely pains, HTA (arterial hypertension) weak.

muscular Signs (40% of the cases) fleeting cramps and contracturas, fasciculaciones, rachidian pains, reflected osteo - tendinosos.

3. Land of Appearance.

Espasmofilia affects approximately to five women by each man. This feminine predominance is explained because in the normal course of the menstrual cycle, a physiological hormonal imbalance exists. Ésto is often translated by one hiperestrogenia relative that is responsible for the increase of the neuro - muscular excitabilidad and the psychological fatigue.

Numerous leading factors favor espasmofilia, some of them are:

• Psicoafectivos: emotions, conflicts, stress, neurosis.

• Physical: growth, pregnancy, periods of lactancia, premenstrual period.


In the present separated we will only treat espasmofilia "united to functional problems", in absence of all organic injury.

The treatment is based on a certain number of rules of hygiene directed to diminish or to avoid the leading factors.

The fitoterapia takes part in the bottom treatment to elevate the threshold of neuro - muscular excitation. We used two types of plants:

•Sedantes and / or espasmolíticas,

•Ricas in minerals (phosphorus and calcium)

Plants adapted for this disease.

Hawthorn to albar.



Tail of horse.

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