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Diseases List (V)
Vaginal Discharge Vaginal Discharge Frequently, the amount of humidity increases and arrives at vulva, that to the very sensible being it allows that the woman experiences the sensation ... More Information
Vaginal infection Vaginal infection Some time in the life to all the women some annoyance in the vagina appears to them and also very frequently, by pain or fear they suitably do not go ... More Information
VAGINISMUS VAGINISMUS The vaginismo is a sexual disfunción that are characterized by the involuntary contraction of inferior muscles of the vagina, problem that interferes ... More Information
Varices Varices Varices Expansion of the veins, in strict sense, of any venous system, like plexo venous esofágico; esofágicas varices; plexo venous pudendo; var ... More Information
VIGOREXIA VIGOREXIA Is well taking care of the body doing exercise, but you do not exaggerate because you can develop to a called addiction vigorexia. Although the phys ... More Information
Viral gastroenteritis Viral gastroenteritis It can be caused by different types from virus, and although it affects mainly to very many people during the time of heat and rains, the infection u ... More Information
VIRAL HEPATITIS VIRAL HEPATITIS The acute ictérica Hepatitis or hepatitis comúnempieza generally with manifestations of some gastrointestinal disease, like nauseas, vomits, abdomina ... More Information
VIRAL HEPATITIS VIRAL HEPATITIS Viral hepatitis Infection of the liver by virus. They exist, at least, five different types: Hepatitis To, I infect oral, infantile, cures withou ... More Information

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