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Diseases List (E)
EMBARAZO ECTOPICO EMBARAZO ECTOPICO Embarazo ectópico Un embarazo que se desarrolla fuera del útero, en la cavidad abdominal. El alojamiento más común es en la Trompa de Falopio, que co ... More Information
Emphysema Emphysema Emphysema It is a chronic disease of the respiratory system. It is characterized by abnormal widening of the alveoli-sacs or where the air is stored, ... More Information
ENDOCARDITIS ENDOCARDITIS Is disease which it produces the inflammation of endocardio, that is the internal wall of the cameras and valves of the heart, those that most freque ... More Information
ENDOMETRIOSIS ENDOMETRIOSIS The endometriosis is a problem that suffers around 15% of the women in fertile age, this can be since it begins to menstruar. It is characterized by ... More Information
ENFERMEDAD CELIACA ENFERMEDAD CELIACA Enfermedad celiaca Una alteración, de origen genético, que sensibiliza al cuerpo contra el gluten. Es uno de los transtornos de origen genético más f ... More Information
Enfermedad de Addison Enfermedad de Addison Enfermedad de Addison Es el bajo rendimiento de las glándulas suprarrenales, de cualquier origen. Afecta a ambos sexos a cualquier edad. Pronóstico ... More Information
Enfermedad de Creutzfeldt Jacob Enfermedad de Creutzfeldt Jacob Enfermedad de Creutzfeldt Jacob Una infección producida por priones, partículas proteicas infecciosas de reciente reconocimiento. Es Contagioso por c ... More Information
Enfermedad de Crohn Enfermedad de Crohn Enfermedad de Crohn Conocida también como Ileítis Regional; Ileitis granulomatosa o ileocolitis; enteritis regional. Es una enfermedad inflamatoria d ... More Information
Enfermedad de Hodgkin Enfermedad de Hodgkin Enfermedad de Hodgkin Un tipo específico de cáncer de las células blancas de la sangre que moran en las glándulas linfáticas (linfoma). Sexo Más fr ... More Information
ENFERMEDAD DE JACOB CREUZFELDT ENFERMEDAD DE JACOB CREUZFELDT Enfermedad de Jacob Creuzfeldt Una infección producida por priones, partículas proteicas infecciosas de reciente reconocimiento. Es Contagioso por co ... More Information
Entropion Entropion Entropion Condition of the eyelid (usually lower), who returns to the interior of the eye. It affects adults over 40 years. Complications Ulceratio ... More Information
Enuresis CHILD Enuresis CHILD The control of sphincters is a very important profit for the independence of the children and children, their entrance to the school and a greater fa ... More Information
Epididymitis Epididymitis The epididimitis Is an acute disease that although is very annoying by its symptoms, does not get to affect the genital organs, although it requires ... More Information
Epidural Abscess Epidural Abscess Epidural abscess Accumulation of pus caused by a bacterial infection of the outer casings of the brain and spinal cord. Age It affects all ages. ... More Information
EPILEPSY EPILEPSY Epilepsy Disease that is characterized by massive discharges of groups of neurons as a result of a malfunctioning brain. The most common type is call ... More Information
Epistaxis Epistaxis Epistaxis Nosebleeds. Blood vessels in the nose (arteries and veins). Occurs near the windows nasal or inside the nose. All ages, twice in children. ... More Information
Erectile Dysfunction Erectile Dysfunction Also call sexual impotence, is a problem that affects to million men in the world and it is defined as the incapacity of the man to obtain and to mai ... More Information
ESCOLIOSIS ESCOLIOSIS It is a suffering that affects more to women than to men and it appears most frequently between the 10 and 13 years of age, which favors that during ... More Information
Escrotum Escrotum With this term it is known all the diseases that produce inflammation and intense and sudden pain in escroto, that is skin stock-market that it cover ... More Information
Esophageal cancer Esophageal cancer Esophageal cancer Growth of malignant cells to multiply in an uncontrolled way in the esophagus. Constitute 1% of all malignant tumors. Higher inci ... More Information
ESPASMOS NERVOUS ESPASMOS NERVOUS Espasmos Nervous Definition - Aspects Etimológicamente, we will be all in agreement, espasmofilia comes from espasmos = contractions and filia = fr ... More Information
Eyestrain Eyestrain The eyes all along perceive forms, movements, effects, lights and are exposed to diverse stimuli and environmental polluting agents that little by li ... More Information

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