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Diseases List (K)
KAWASAKI DISEASE KAWASAKI DISEASE Kawasaki disease Exantematic disease (which produces a reddish rash). It appears in children under five. Causes Infectious agent known, appears to ... More Information
Keratitis Keratitis Queratitis Inflammation of the cornea (the central part transparency of the eye that covers the pupil). Complications Glaucoma. Ulceración of ... More Information
Keratoconus Keratoconus Prominencia declares by in form of cone, which it distorts the cleared form normal of the cornea that is the main lens of the eye, which causes the t ... More Information
Keratosis Sebaceous Keratosis Sebaceous Sebacea Queratosis Noncontagious nor inflammatory escamosa affection cutaneous. In chest; back; face and arms. When it is arrived at the 60 ye ... More Information
Kidney cancer Kidney cancer Kidney cancer Uncontrolled growth of malignant cells in the kidney. The cancer can originate in the kidney (primary) or spread to the kidney from oth ... More Information
Kidney stones Kidney stones The urinary system is integrated by two kidneys, uréteres, vejiga and uretra, that is the conduit by which it tinkles it is eliminated of the body. ... More Information
Kidney stones (kidney stones) Kidney stones (kidney stones) Kidney stones (Lithotripsy) Urine is a liquid produced by the kidney that are dissolved in the multiple substances such as calcium, uric acid, phosph ... More Information
Kwashiorkor Kwashiorkor Kwashiorkor It is a special form of malnutrición, in which the contribution of calories is adapted, but the one of proteins insufficient. Rare in ... More Information

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