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Diseases List (A)
A. lumbricoides A. lumbricoides This parasite is very frequent mainly in humid places and when the hygiene measures are not the adapted ones and they mainly affect to the children a ... More Information
ACNE ACNE Acne Acne is a skin disease, common in adolescents, characterized by rashes on the face, chest and back. Sex More common in boys than in girls. C ... More Information
Actinic keratosis Actinic keratosis Queratosis actinic An injury of the skin caused by the exhibition to the precancerous sun. It appears specially in the zones exposed to the sun in ... More Information
Acute bronchiolitis Acute bronchiolitis It is a serious and dangerous disease that affect mainly to smaller children of 2 years and with greater incidence in smaller suckling babies of a ye ... More Information
Acute bronchiolitis Acute bronchiolitis It is a disease that affects to bronchioles pulmonary, which they are infinity of ramifications that leave from the bronchi, are located within the l ... More Information
Acute Bronchitis Acute Bronchitis Acute Bronchitis Inflammation of the airways from the trachea, affecting this, bronchi and bronchioles. It affects both sexes without predilection a ... More Information
Acute gastroenteritis Acute gastroenteritis Acute Gastroenteritis Affected parts Infection of the alimentary canal. Normally produced by little aggressive virus or enterobacterias. It is ... More Information
Acute otitis media Acute otitis media Acute average otitis The ear is a sensible and complex organ, that provides hearing and the sense to us of the balance. In the ear we were with thr ... More Information
ACUTE PERITONITIS ACUTE PERITONITIS Acute Peritonitis Infection or severe inflammation of part or all the peritoneo, the covering of tracto intestinal. Abdomen, including the interna ... More Information
Acute pyelonephritis Acute pyelonephritis Acute Pielonefritis Bacterial infection of the noncontagious kidney. Age It affects both sexes although it is commonest in women, and to all the ... More Information
ACUTE RENAL FAILURE ACUTE RENAL FAILURE The acute renal insufficiency, is a suffering that appears mainly in greater people, mainly men and takes place as a result of an abrupt diminution o ... More Information
ACUTE SYNDROME BY RADIATION ACUTE SYNDROME BY RADIATION The radiation comes from natural sources like the Sun, the deep space and some materials like uranium, present Earth material. But also it comes fro ... More Information
ADDICTION TO WORK ADDICTION TO WORK For our society, our family and we ourself, to be a person worker are a virtue very appreciated. Nevertheless, for many workers, more and more, its ... More Information
ADDISON'S DISEASE ADDISON'S DISEASE Enfermedad de Addison Es el bajo rendimiento de las glándulas suprarrenales, de cualquier origen. Afecta a ambos sexos a cualquier edad. Pronóstico ... More Information
ADHERENCE UTERINAS ADHERENCE UTERINAS The adhesions are fibrous weave bands similar to which forms with the scars that form between two weaves within the organism. They are described lik ... More Information
ADICCION ADICCION Impressive they are the numbers of the World-wide Organization of the Health in reference to the addictions and is that million people, mainly young ... More Information
Aerophagia Aerophagia Aerophagia Introduction Digestive Apparatus The digestive apparatus must like function assure the digestion or assimilation different foods. The ... More Information
Agranulocytosis Agranulocytosis Agranulocytosis Reducing the amount of normal white blood cells (granulocytes, or neutrophils) in the bloodstream. These are the first cells that de ... More Information
AIDS AIDS AIDS S.I.D.A. are the abbreviations of SYNDROME OF ACQUIRED IMMUNODEFICIENCY: an infection by virus that causes a complete failure of the immunolog ... More Information
Alcoholic cirrhosis Alcoholic cirrhosis Alcoholic cirrhosis Introduction Digestive Apparatus The digestive apparatus must like function assure the digestion or assimilation different foo ... More Information
ALCOHOLISM ALCOHOLISM Sport birthdays, weddings, baptisms, events, social celebrations mother countries, Christmas, pay days, Fridays, invitations, to conserve the friends ... More Information
Allergic rhinitis Allergic rhinitis It is a disease caused by diverse environmental polluting agents like the dust, polen, smoke of the tobacco, acaruses and other elements. It affects ... More Information
ALLERGIES ALLERGIES With the entrance of stations like the spring and the autumn, some known allergies are also increased as seasonal and is that at this time they predo ... More Information
Alopecia Alopecia Also well-known like baldness, it is a disease that consists of the incapacity of the organism to produce new hair in the lapse normally established ... More Information
Alopecia Idiopathic Alopecia Idiopathic Alopecia idiopathic It is the loss of hair, in the absence of any other skin disorder or disease generally appreciable. Can be affected any hairy ar ... More Information
ALZHEIMER ALZHEIMER Alzheimer Brain disorder characterized by a gradual mental deterioration. There is a rapidly progressive form that begins to 36-45 years. Another m ... More Information
Amebiasis Amebiasis Amebiasis Infection of the colon (large intestine) and sometimes the liver caused by an amoeba. Many people, especially those living in benign clima ... More Information
Amenorrhea Amenorrhea In some women its rule or menstruation can be seen suspended during three months or without having a pregnancy and this it happens more to more frequ ... More Information
AMIBIASIS AMIBIASIS Seven are the amoebas that can be present in the mouth and intestine of the man: Histolytica Entamoeba, Entamoeba gingivalis, Entamoeba Harmanni, En ... More Information
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) Progressive destruction of insulating sheath of the nerves in the spinal cord, resulting in gradual loss of muscl ... More Information
Anal Fissure Anal Fissure Anal fissure Cracking or tearing of the anal tissue sensitive. It affects all ages, but is most common in infants, young children and adults over 60 ... More Information
Anaphylaxis Anaphylaxis Anaphylaxis Generalized allergic reaction. It affects blood vessels throughout the body, heart, lungs, skin. It is a serious reaction to the produc ... More Information
And presbyacusis OSTOSCLEROSIS And presbyacusis OSTOSCLEROSIS It must to the deterioration of the ciliadas cells that cover the cóclea in the internal ear. These cells have tiny called prolongations "cilia", th ... More Information
ANEMIA ANEMIA The blood is a vital weave of the human body. More or less a person has continuously around 5 liters circulating and is a vital liquid since she tra ... More Information
ANEMIA BY folic acid deficiency ANEMIA BY folic acid deficiency The folato or fólico acid is a necessary vitamin for the formation and growth of red globules and because it is not stored in the body in great amoun ... More Information
ANEMIA IN PREGNANCY ANEMIA IN PREGNANCY Anemia in pregnancy Low hemoglobin level during pregnancy. The hemoglobin carries oxygen to tissues throughout the body within red blood cells or re ... More Information
Aneurysm Aneurysm Most frequently they appear in the aorta, although also they are developed in arteries of the base of the brain and in some of the smallest glasses i ... More Information
Angina pectoris Angina pectoris The chest angina is a suffering caused by the diminution of the sanguineous flow in transitory form at level of the arteries in charge to nourish and ... More Information
ANKLE FANS ANKLE FANS After day exhausting in that or it was walked too much, was seated by long time or when a long trip was made that maintained to us almost immovable, ... More Information
ANOMALIES nipple ANOMALIES nipple Between the anomalies of the nipple, that usually are not very frequent are. - multiple Politelia or nipples. It affects between a 1 and 5% of the ... More Information
ANOREXIA NERVOSA ANOREXIA NERVOSA Anorexia nervosa It is a mental illness that produces a nutritional disorder, occurs in healthy young, which develop a paralyzing fear, for fear of b ... More Information
Anorexia nervosa Anorexia nervosa The nervosa anorexy is a disease that has been increasing in the last decades between people of countries sajones and it happens generally in adolesc ... More Information
Anorgasmia Anorgasmia Feeling to please during the sexual relations has been an aspect of the sexuality that has been promoted, only allowed and accepted for the men, deny ... More Information
ANTHRAX ANTHRAX It is an acute infectious disease, almost always mortal, caused by a well-known grampositiva bacterium like Bacillus anthracis, that forms esporas th ... More Information
Aplastic anemia Aplastic anemia Aplastic anemia Serious illness characterized by a low yield of the function of the bone marrow. The heart is often filled by fat cells that replace ... More Information
Aplastic anemia Aplastic anemia It must to that the bony marrow cannot elaborate sufficient white globules, red or plaquetas, problem known like pancitopenia, although those that pr ... More Information
APNEA IN CHILDREN APNEA IN CHILDREN Which is associated with a series of respiratory problems that are characterized by the obstruction of the aerial routes, alters to the ventilation a ... More Information
Appendicitis Appendicitis Appendicitis Inflammation of the appendix, a small residual intestinal sac that extends from the blind. Its function is unknown but can cause intest ... More Information
ARC LEGS ARC LEGS When being born, all new born a little bent because the space within the uterus is restricted, which have the legs forces to double them a leg on the ... More Information
Arteriosclerosis Arteriosclerosis It is caused by the hardening of the arteries that it causes that their walls become more thicknesses and lose elasticity and although its origin is ... More Information
Arteriosclerosis obliterans Arteriosclerosis obliterans When the sanguineous circulation is deficient in a muscle when doing exercise originates a called disease obliterante arteriosclerosis, that must to ... More Information
ARTHRITIS ARTHRITIS Arthritis Definition We regrouped under this term four problems you will articulate that they are characterized by an inflammatory injury of the co ... More Information
ARTHRITIS infectious (arthritis) ARTHRITIS infectious (arthritis) Infectious arthritis (Septic Arthritis) Inflammation of a joint caused by an infection. It can affect any joint, especially the larger ones, like th ... More Information
Aseptic meningitis Aseptic meningitis Aseptic Meningitis Inflammation of meninges (fine membranes that covers the brain and the spinal marrow). She is contagious in some cases. Unlike ... More Information
ASTHMA ASTHMA Asma Chronic disease with recurrent attacks of shortness of breath and feeling unwell in the respiratory tract. It affects all ages but 50% of the c ... More Information
Atherosclerosis Atherosclerosis Atherosclerosis Disease caused by the deposition of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels, hampering the normal passage of oxygen and ... More Information
Atherothrombosis Atherothrombosis The aterotrombosis is a problem that originates more than 55 million deaths to the year anywhere in the world according to the World-wide Organizatio ... More Information
ATHLETE OF PIE ATHLETE OF PIE Foot of athlete Common, contagious an infection by fungi, of the skin of the feet. Feet, specially the plants and the skin between the fingers (ge ... More Information
Atopic dermatitis Atopic dermatitis The atópica dermatitis or eccema is a frequent disease that affects to 1 of each 5 children or smaller children of 12 years and that although, when a ... More Information
Atrial Fibrillation Atrial Fibrillation Atrial fibrillation Totally irregular heart rhythm. Fibrillation means disorganized contraction of heart muscle fibers. It occurs in the atria, cha ... More Information
ATROFIA ESPINAL MUSCULAR ATROFIA ESPINAL MUSCULAR Most of the nervous cells that they control the muscles are located in the spinal marrow, when there is a degeneration or diminution of his activity, ... More Information
ATTENTION DEFICIT and Hyperactivity ATTENTION DEFICIT and Hyperactivity Thousand of children and young people they suffer of the upheaval by Deficit of Attention and Hiperactividad and 60% of them get to maintain the symp ... More Information
AUTISMO AUTISMO It is pronounced mainly in the three first years of life and sometimes from the birth, it affects more to the children than to the children of all th ... More Information

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