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Diseases List (C)
CÁLCULOS BILIARES CÁLCULOS BILIARES The biliary calculations are hard and small stones that form in the biliary vesicle and which they can vary of size being from as tiny as the head of ... More Information
CALLUS AND EYES OF FISH CALLUS AND EYES OF FISH Very frequently the feet of many people are prone to develop to the annoying calluses and the painful eyes of fish, mainly in the women who use shoes ... More Information
CANCER CANCER Cancer All cells contain the same genetic code that is responsible, depending on the part of it to be expressed, to control the growth and differenti ... More Information
CANCER central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) CANCER central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) Cancer of the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) It consists of the disorganized and uncontrolled proliferation of cells in support of th ... More Information
CANCER central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) CANCER central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) Cancer of the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) It consists of the disorganized and uncontrolled proliferation of cells in support of th ... More Information
CANCER large intestine CANCER large intestine Cancer of the large intestine Uncontrolled growth of malignant cells in the colon (large intestine). Large intestine, including the blind, transvers ... More Information
CANCER OF MOUTH AND TONGUE CANCER OF MOUTH AND TONGUE Cancer of the mouth and tongue Excrescence abnormal in the mouth or tongue, which does not extend to other parts of the body. The forms are usually b ... More Information
Cancer of the larynx Cancer of the larynx Cancer of the larynx Uncontrolled growth of malignant cells in the vocal cords and surrounding tissues. It affects the larynx (posterior region of t ... More Information
CANCER OSEO CANCER OSEO The bony cancer or cancer in the bones, is a little common disease that it can affect any age and often makes in the childhood and adolescence. He i ... More Information
CANCER Pharynx CANCER Pharynx The pharynx is an organ in form of hollow tube that begins behind the low nose and by the throat until comprising of the esophagus. This organ inclu ... More Information
CANDIDIASIS CANDIDIASIS It is produced by a called fungus Innocent Albicans. It is pronounced like vaginitis, milkweed, infections of vejiga or cutaneous similars to the ti ... More Information
Canker Canker They are white injuries that appear in internal mucous membranes or of the mouth and that gets to affect at least sometimes to more of the a half of ... More Information
Cardiac arrhythmias Cardiac arrhythmias The heart is a muscle that pumps the blood to all the body, as much so that it is purified in the lungs, like so that arrives at each cell of the org ... More Information
Cardiac valve disorders Cardiac valve disorders Valvulopatia cardiac Complication of some diseases, that distorts or destroys the valves of the heart. Affected parts The four valves can be aff ... More Information
CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE The medical advances and the changes in the life style, have modified the panorama epidemiologist of the industrialized countries and although the li ... More Information
CATARACT CATARACT Cataracts Opacification (clouding) of the eyepiece. The lens is a flexible, transparent globe near the front of the eye that helps focus the vision ... More Information
CELIAQUÍA CELIAQUÍA Celiaquía An alteration of genetic origin, which sensitizes the body against gluten. It is one of the origins of genetic disorders more common, affe ... More Information
CELLULITIS CELLULITIS Cellulite Cellulitis, also known by paniculosis, adiposalgia or connective tissue rheumatism and subcutaneous fat is a process due to the affection o ... More Information
Cerebral Palsy Cerebral Palsy Cerebral paralysis A deficit in the cerebral operation, that causes a paralysis. The paralysis affects to the movement or position. It happens b ... More Information
CEREBRAL VASCULAR EVENT CEREBRAL VASCULAR EVENT This problem that is pronounced of several forms is one of the first causes of death in Mexico and the age average of the cases of death is of 53 yea ... More Information
Cervical Cancer Cervical Cancer In Mexico mortality by this type of cancer occupies the first place. In fact, every two hours a woman at the most productive time of her life becaus ... More Information
Cervical cancer Cervical cancer Cervical cancer A common cancers, treatable and predictable, of the female reproductive system. Subsequent to the neck of the uterus or cervix (the ... More Information
Cervical cancer Cervical cancer Cervical cancer A common cancers, treatable and predictable, of the female reproductive system. Subsequent to the neck of the uterus or cervix (the ... More Information
Chalazion Chalazion Chalazion Protuberance in the eyelid result of chronic inflammation of a gland Meibonio (gland that lubricates the edges of the eyelids). Forecast ... More Information
Chancroid Chancroid This disease of sexual transmission, also is known as "disease Ducrey" and is caused by a well-known bacterium like Haemophylus ducreyi. One appears ... More Information
CHICKENPOX CHICKENPOX Varicela is an infantile, infectious disease and very contagious and although the year appears throughout, generally it is increased by the end of wi ... More Information
CHILDHOOD OBESITY CHILDHOOD OBESITY For many families, having a gordito son and with many llantitas is a signal that he is strong and healthful, nevertheless, the specialists in infanti ... More Information
CHILDREN'S EPILEPSY CHILDREN'S EPILEPSY The epilepsy is a disease that generally, begins to develop in the childhood and that does not have an origin or specific cause, but that without a d ... More Information
CHILDREN'S MIGRAINE CHILDREN'S MIGRAINE The headache not only affects the adults since more or less 10% of the children who go to kinder and 50 % of which they go to primary suffer it and t ... More Information
CHLAMYDIA CHLAMYDIA Trachomatis is a disease caused by a parasite of the group of the bacteria called Chlamydia and represents between 15 and 20% of the diseases of sexu ... More Information
CHOLERA CHOLERA Cholera Diarrheal disease caused by Vibrio cholera. Based on the criteria used to classify them, there are two major varieties, classical and El Tor ... More Information
Chronic bronchitis Chronic bronchitis Chronic bronchitis It is a chronic inflammation of the bronchial pathways that cause cough and purulent sputum production for at least three months a ... More Information
Chronic headaches Chronic headaches Jaqueca Intense headache, generally in a side, that usually is accompanied by nauseas, weakness and problems of vision. Each episode can last from ... More Information
CHRONIC KIDNEY FAILURE CHRONIC KIDNEY FAILURE In normal conditions, the kidneys of a healthful person daily filter 180 liters of liquid, of which 99% reabsorbidos and are given back to the genera ... More Information
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia Chronic lymphocytic leukemia Chronic linfocítica leukemia It is a cancer of slow development of the organs of formation of the blood that produces a specific type of white globu ... More Information
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease The pulmonary disease obstructiva chronicle or EPOC is a incurable disease that has been increased of alarming form, of such form that in some countr ... More Information
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Chronic obstruction of the airways due to chronic bronchitis, emphysema or a combination of both. It af ... More Information
CHRONIC PAIN CHRONIC PAIN A chronic pain is considered to which it lasts more than 6 months and that do not respond to the habitual therapies for their control, like the surge ... More Information
Circulatory failure CEREBRAL Circulatory failure CEREBRAL Cerebral circulatory insufficiency Definition It is defined as cerebral circulatory insufficiency to the set of hemodinámicas disturbances of the a ... More Information
Cirrhosis Cirrhosis Cirrhosis Disease characterized by hardening of the liver and degeneration of hepatocytes, or liver cells, leading to the loss of the normal function ... More Information
Clubfoot Clubfoot The feet are part of the locomotive system and very important for all the people since they allow us to transfer us from a place to another one, to r ... More Information
Colitis Colitis A problem that is reflected in the high index of medical consultations, is of the syndrome of the null and voidable intestine or espástico colon, tha ... More Information
COLON CANCER AND STRAIGHT COLON CANCER AND STRAIGHT The colorectal cancer occupies one of the first places like cause of death between the Mexican population. She can affect any person, mainly greater ... More Information
COMMON COLD COMMON COLD Common Resfriado Contagious viral infection of high the respiratory routes (nasal nose, throat, sines, ears, tubes of Eustaquio, larynx). Causes ... More Information
Compulsive eater Compulsive eater Eating compulsively is one of them upheaval of the nourishing conduct and a chronic disease, that very is related to the depression, the fears and ph ... More Information
Condyloma Acuminatum Condyloma Acuminatum Condylomata acuminata Genital warts in those areas (urethra, rectum and genitals). They are produced in Persons sexually active, and often linked to ... More Information
Condylomatosis Condylomatosis Condiloma acuminado, known generally like condiloma or genital warts, is a disease of sexual transmission caused by the virus of papiloma human. It ... More Information
Congenital problems OF FEET Congenital problems OF FEET Although on the feet few do case to them, in questions fashionable always they are to the vanguard and in a good wardrobe they cannot lack of all the ... More Information
CONGENITAL SYPHILIS CONGENITAL SYPHILIS When a woman who suffers sífilis embarrasses and she has not been controlled suitably, their son or daughter has 90% of probabilities of infecting it ... More Information
Conjunctivitis Conjunctivitis Conjunctivitis Inflammation of the mucous layer of the eye. Affects more children and can be infectious or non-infectious. Forecast The allergic c ... More Information
Contact dermatitis Contact dermatitis Two types of dermatitis by contact appear: the allergic dermatitises and the irritativas. Those of allergic type, generally they are caused by elem ... More Information
Corneal abrasion Corneal abrasion Corneal abrasion Wound to the cornea, the transparent layer of the eye where light enters. Causes Embedding a foreign body in the cornea, such as a ... More Information
Coronary BRAIN INJURY Coronary BRAIN INJURY According to it advances the age, are more frequent the coagulation problems, reason why the risks increase. The sanguineous clots can cause isquemi ... More Information
Cotton Cotton Some circumstances, that they can be low of defenses by another disease, disturb the normal balance of these microorganisms, the leavening can grow a ... More Information
CRADLE OF DEATH CRADLE OF DEATH The cause is not known well, but this dramatic event is related to problems in the mechanism of the central system nervous that control the breathing ... More Information
CRETIN CRETIN Cretinism During fetal development and neonatal hormone secreted by the thyroid gland is essential for normal growth and maturation of the brain. Fo ... More Information
CRIPTORQUÍDEA CRIPTORQUÍDEA It is an upheaval commonly known like descended testicles. It is observed generally in new born when one or both testicles did not descend to stock- ... More Information
Crohn's Disease Crohn's Disease Enfermedad de Crohn Conocida también como Ileítis Regional; Ileitis granulomatosa o ileocolitis; enteritis regional. Es una enfermedad inflamatoria d ... More Information
CRUP CRUP Croup Infection, inflammation and swelling of the larynx (vocal cords) and surrounding tissue. Laborious breathing and produces a noise "barking" ch ... More Information
Cystic Fibrosis Cystic Fibrosis Cystic Fibrosis An inherited disease (autosomal recessive) of the most frequent (1:2.500 live births) in white populations, characterized by excessiv ... More Information
CYSTICERCOSIS CYSTICERCOSIS The infectious cisticercosis is a disease caused by the huevecillos of a called parasite Solium Tapeworm, that produces a well-known disease like ten ... More Information
CYSTITIS CYSTITIS Vejiga is an organ that comprises of the urinary system, its function is to accumulate tinkles it that the kidneys are producing and when is full sen ... More Information
CYSTITIS INTERSTITIAL CYSTITIS INTERSTITIAL The interstitial cystitis or painful syndrome of vejiga is a chronic inflammation whose origin is still not known although there are some factors tha ... More Information

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