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Diseases List (N)
NAIL CHIPPERS NAIL CHIPPERS Chipped nails Astillamiento of the nails of feet and hands, appears in both sexes, to any age. Complications They are not to hope. Prognosis ... More Information
Narcolepsy Narcolepsy Narcolepsy Rare upheaval of the dream that is characterized by uncontrollable episodes of dream anywhere or at any time. After 10 to 15 minutes of ... More Information
Nasal polyps Nasal polyps Nasal polyps Benign proliferation in the nasal cavities, generally in both sides of the nose. Age It affects all the ages, but it is commonest i ... More Information
NEFRITIS, GLOMERUNOLEFRITIS And PIELONEFRITIS NEFRITIS, GLOMERUNOLEFRITIS And PIELONEFRITIS Nefritis, is the term with which any inflammation or acute infection is even known the kidneys or any chronic deterioration, caused by some degenerat ... More Information
Nephrotic syndrome Nephrotic syndrome Nefrótico syndrome A form of chronic affection of the kidney that can begin in the childhood. The nefrótico syndrome is characterized by the loss o ... More Information
Neuroma OF MORTON Neuroma OF MORTON The feet are equipped with hundreds of nervous completions that allow to feel to please or pain and that alert signals transmit to the brain before a ... More Information
Neurosis Neurosis The neurosis is defined as environmental a psychic upheaval or mental alteration that does not have its origin in an organic alteration and which fea ... More Information
NEW RELEASES NEW RELEASES Constipation Digestion is the chemical process through which we extract nutrients from food helpful, and we remove the remains useless. Digestion beg ... More Information
NO GONOCCOCICA urethritis (NGU) NO GONOCCOCICA urethritis (NGU) Nongonoccocica Uretritis (UNG) Infection of uretra of the man similar to the gonorrhea but produced by other organisms. It is a disease habitually ... More Information
NON-INSULIN-DEPENDENT DIABETES NON-INSULIN-DEPENDENT DIABETES Diabetes noninsulino employee Definition This type of diabetes insulino-employee (often normal rates of insulinemia) generally does not appear afte ... More Information

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