Nephrotic syndrome

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Nephrotic syndrome
Nefrótico syndrome.

A form of chronic affection of the kidney that can begin in the childhood. The nefrótico syndrome is characterized by the loss of proteins in tinkles it, inflammations of the skin and organs, and low protein and stop cholesterol in the blood.

The ovarian cysts usually are not cancerous.

Children of any age and adults. He affects more to boys than to girls.

To call to the doctor if.

It has nefritis symptoms.

It happens the following thing during the treatment:

Strong headaches.


Extreme fatigue.

Symptoms of infection like pupas, cough or quemazón when tinkling.

Impossibility to pass a quarter of tinkles in 24 hours.

Increase of the retention of liquids.

Vomits, diarrea, nauseas.


The nefrótico syndrome cannot be cured nor be come up. Nevertheless, medication and diet can control the swelling and, in many children, correct the abnormalitys of the kidneys.

Although the symptoms usually disappear in 2 weeks with treatment, is due to prolong the medication of 6 to 8 weeks. The syndrome nefróticose can take a short cut with treatment, but the relapses are frequent and the treatment will be due to repeat. If it appears a renal failure, the dialysis or the transplant of kidney can extend the life.


Renal affection similar to the chronic glomerulonefritis.

Renal failure.

Increase of the susceptibility in infections.


Visit its doctor if it has anyone of the described causes, specially infections of throat or skin.

Medical treatment.

Diagnosis and treatment.

Sanitary precautions.

Perforation of the cyst or retorcimiento of the stem of the cyst.

This demands immediate surgery.

Urinary obstruction.

Increase of the risk of ovary cancer.

I diagnose.

Observation of the symptoms.

File and physical examination by a doctor.

Tests, like urinálisis and analysis of blood for proteins and cholesterol.

Biopsy of the kidney.

General measures.

During the acute phase:

Write down its temperature tomorrow and late.

Gather his it tinkles every 24 hours and it writes down the amounts.

Also write down all the ingested liquids. The doctor will command to analyze samples of tinkles it.


His doctor can prescribe to him:

Cortisone or inmunosupresora medication to reduce the inflammation of the kidney.

Diuréticos, to reduce the retention of liquids.

Antibiotics to control the infection.


Keep bed (it goes only to the bathroom) until edema (retention of liquids) improves.

When the inflammation is reduced, a moderate activity practices, to where their forces allow him.


Without salt.

Avoid the prepared foods that contain salt.

Take more proteins from the normal thing, like fish, meat, eggs and cheeses with little salt.

Ask its doctor if it must reduce the ingestion of liquids.

With this disease it is advised to follow the following diets:

Hyperprotein and hiposódica diet.

Factors of risk.

Familiar file of nefrótico syndrome (only the primary form)

What follows can reactivate some infantile cases:


Exhibition to chemical toxins.

Congestivo cardiac failure.


Signs and symptoms.

Familiar file of nefrótico syndrome (only the primary form)

What follows can reactivate some infantile cases:


Exhibition to chemical toxins.

Congestivo cardiac failure.




They can be primary (not known) or result of complications by other problems that affect the renal function, like diabetes, sistémico erythematous lupus, glomerulonefritis, affections autoinmunes, disease of the serum and a number of serious allergic affections; clots in the kidney, infections, specially of the skin, congenital diseases cardiac, or certain medications.

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