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Diseases List (M)
Macular Degeneration Macular Degeneration The degeneration to spot (DME), is a chronic disease related to the age, that appears generally after the 50 years and it must to the deterioration o ... More Information
MAJOR PROBLEMS VISUALS MAJOR PROBLEMS VISUALS In order to be able to see or, it is needed that the images arrive clear and correctly to the brain so that can identify them and process, when this ... More Information
MALARIA MALARIA It is a parasitic infectious disease, also well-known like Malaria, that can get to be very serious and to affect to several people of a community cr ... More Information
MALE SEXUAL IMPOTENCE MALE SEXUAL IMPOTENCE Masculine sexual impotence The incapacity to obtain or to maintain an erection suitable. It is not necessarily symptom of aging, nor this one enta ... More Information
Malta fever (brucellosis) Malta fever (brucellosis) Malta fever (brucellosis) A bacterial infection transmitted to humans through cows, pigs, sheep or goats infected. It is not contagious between peopl ... More Information
MARE IN PREGNANCY MARE IN PREGNANCY Mareos in the pregnancy Common symptom of nauseas that appears generally during the first trimester of pregnancy. It happens in 50% of the pregnan ... More Information
MASTITIS MASTITIS Mastitis Inflammation and infection of the chest of a woman whom it has given to light recently. It happens in 1% of the cases and is more frequen ... More Information
MEASLES MEASLES Measles is disease infectious and very contagious caused by virus that is transmitted of person to person, by means of the gotitas of saliva that som ... More Information
MELAN nevi (LUNAR) MELAN nevi (LUNAR) Nevus Melánicos (Lunar) The "pigmentarios spots" or nevus are proliferations of the melánicas cells of the skin and mucous that originate located br ... More Information
Meniere's Disease Meniere's Disease Also well-known like Vertigo of Méniére or endolinfático Edema, it is a chronic suffering that affects the internal ear and generally it appears in o ... More Information
MENINGITIS MENINGITIS Inflammation characterizes by of meninges, which they are the membranes that surround and protect to the brain and the spinal marrow and although it ... More Information
MENOPAUSE MENOPAUSE Menopause The cease of the menstruation or like a normal process of aging of the woman or by the surgical extirpation of both ovaries. It happens ... More Information
Menorrhagia Menorrhagia Menorragia It is a frequent disorder that is characterized by an unusually abundant or prolonged menstruation. The average amount of lost blood du ... More Information
Metabolic Syndrome Metabolic Syndrome The metabolic Syndrome, also is known like syndrome X, syndrome X dismetabólico, multiple metabolic syndrome or metabolic cardiovascular syndrome. I ... More Information
MIGRAINE MIGRAINE Migraña Intense headache, generally in a side, that usually is accompanied by nauseas, weakness and problems of vision. Each episode can last from ... More Information
MODERATE ESSENTIAL HYPERTENSION MODERATE ESSENTIAL HYPERTENSION Moderate essential arterial hypertension Definition The essential arterial hypertension (H.T.A.) it is a syndrome of unknown etiología that is pro ... More Information
Molluscum Contagiosum Molluscum Contagiosum Molluscum contagiosum A contagious infection of the skin. Produced by poxvirus (of the family of the smallpox). It affects the skin of any part o ... More Information
Motion sickness Motion sickness Motion sickness Temporary disorder that occurs in travel, marked by dizziness and stomach upset. It is produced by the allocation of the semicircula ... More Information
Multiple Myeloma Multiple Myeloma Multiple Mieloma Cancer that begins in the plasmáticas cells of the bony marrow. Normally, these cells produce antibodies that help us to destroy ... More Information
MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Multiple sclerosis A chronic condition that affects many functions of the nervous system. A third of patients are affected by mild, non-progressive. ... More Information
Muscle cramps Muscle cramps Muscular cramps Definition The cramp is an intense, painful and involuntary contraction of a muscle or a muscle group, that can have like origin se ... More Information
Muscular atrophy ESPINAL BULB VEGETABLES Muscular atrophy ESPINAL BULB VEGETABLES It affects generally to men between the 30 and 50 years of age, although they have been gotten to present/display cases in young people of 15 years. ... More Information
Muscular Dystrophy FASCIOESCAPULOHUMERAL Muscular Dystrophy FASCIOESCAPULOHUMERAL It is a problem that is characterized by the muscular weakness that it prevents to elevate the arms by above of the head, to make movements face and ... More Information
Myasthenia Gravis Myasthenia Gravis Miastenia gravis Muscular affection mainly in the face and the head, with increasing fatigue and weakness according to is used muscles. Affected p ... More Information
Mycoplasmosis Mycoplasmosis It is caused by the Mycoplasma bacteria hominis and Ureaplasma urealyticum. These germs normally live in the vagina without giving problems, but if ... More Information
Myocardial infarction Myocardial infarction Infarct of myocardium It is the death of the muscle cardiac by lack of blood to feed itself. Prognosis The prognosis is very variable, depending ... More Information
Myopia Myopia It is a frequent problem and one calculates that between adults 3 of each 10 usually they have it and more or less one of each 5 children presents/di ... More Information

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