Disease information

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Disease that is characterized by massive discharges of groups of neurons as a result of a malfunctioning brain.

The most common type is called the Grand Mal, characterized by uncontrollable attacks of movement:

Alters the consciousness of the individual, you lose control of the sphincters (urinary and faecal) and successive periods of normality with the attacks, which can be very serious.

An attack originated in an area or outbreak shows that the brain electrical activity is abnormal.

Subsequent to 0. 5% of Western populations.

Usually begins before age 20.

There are other types of epileptic fit, less frequent, but include:

absences or Petit Mal, in which the patient loses consciousness for very short periods of time.

Temporomandibular parietal the epilepsies, which produces hallucinations and stereotyped movements or acts (always the same, squirm as raising their hands above the head and bajándolas toward the navel, repeatedly)

the hipsarritmias, which produced brief losses of muscle tone and continuous.


Continuing attacks and mental deterioration.

Accidents caused by the attacks.


It is incurable, except when they are sort of secondary and the cause is treatable (tumors, infection, etc.

Anticonvulsant medications and healthy lives, prevent problems and allows an almost normal life.

Some types, such as hipsarritmias, produce a rapid and profound cognitive impairment, so they are very poor prognosis.


Unknown in most cases, at the least are due to:

Brain damage (postpartum, for example, or accident)

Infection or brain tumor.

Chronic subdural hematoma.

Vascular disease.

Degenerative disease of the nervous system.

Signs and symptoms.

There are:

Simple or complex partial attacks: Epilepsy Temporomandibular Parietal.

Widespread attacks, which include:

Attacks of absence: petit wrong.

It happens only until age 20, then usually disappear.

The patient ceases all activity for 30 seconds and then resumed.

It is often repeated several times a day.

Mioclónicos attacks or muscles. Inevitable contraction of muscles or muscle groups.

Great evil or tonic - clonic attacks.

It is the most common and affects all ages.

Sudden loss of consciousness followed by convulsions and uncontrolled movements that can be of great violence.

The attacks last for several minutes and was followed by drowsiness, associated with relaxation of sphincters.

Prior to the epileptic fit the patient goes into an "epileptic aura. ".

It starts to look bad, strange smells or sounds unusual, that make you tense, because he knows that precede and herald a very strong attack of convulsive type.

Risk Factors.

Family history of epileptic seizures.

Excess alcohol consumption, or mixed environments with no lights twinkling.

Use of mind - altering drugs.


History of brain injury.

Exposure to toxic substances.


Does not exist.

Diagnosis and Treatment.


Electroencephalogram, which defines the type of epilepsy.

T. A. C or R. M. N. brain, always forced to rule out underlying organic causes.

Sometimes analytical blood or cerebral fluid, to rule out infectious or toxic causes.


General Measures.

Avoid circumstances that have led to the launching of an attack.

Avoid alcohol and snuff.

Indoors to avoid rarefied atmosphere.


Anticonvulsant drugs, which require strict compliance and monitoring equipment.


Avoid strenuous exercises.

Avoid noises and strong lights.


Food low in carbohydrates and rich in protein.

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