POPPY (Glaucia)

POPPY (Glaucia) () - HIPERnatural.COM
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POPPY (Glaucia)
Latin name:

Papaver somniferum L. Papaver somniferum nigrum L.

Other names:

Castilian: Opium poppy, dormidera.

French: pavot, pavot oeillette.

English: Opium poppy, poppy garde.

Dutch: Slaabpol, maankop, heulbol, Papaver.

Italian: Papavero.

German: Weisser Gartenmohn, Schlafmohn.

INTRODUCTION: The seeds of poppies contain a large percentage of oil, rich in phosphorus and lecithin, very similar to sunflower oil, edible, but very little used in food, despite its ability to reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood.

Plant poppy in detail of the fruit which has been practiced small incisions (above) for the departure of latex, under which it will manufacture opium, and a fruit open, leave the seeds (below)

Planting of opium poppies in Turkey. In most countries this plant is grown under government control for the pharmaceutical industry, but in some Asian countries, the plantations are used to produce heroin.

MEDICINAL PROPERTIES: Opium contains more than 20 alkaloids, many of which are narcotics. Their action on the body varies with dose first acts as a stimulant heart and brain, but by increasing the dose produces drowsiness and reduces muscle activity levels higher low heart rate and lung.

COLLECTION: The opium and poppy plants are two questions to the family of papaveráceas, characterized by its capacity for synthesis of various alkaloids: while in poppy dominated (the readina) in the opium poppy have been identified over twenty mixed in a whitish juice, opium.

FEATURES: herbaceous plant that lives just over a year, up to 2 m in height. The stems, hollow out the flower on its tip, petalled with white or bold, very large. The fruit forms a hard capsule, as a small grenade that contains the seeds. The leaves, large and serrated edges, very numerous, are born directly on the stem, hugging, without petiole.

LOCATION: It is a plant cultivated in great tradition in Asia Minor, Turkey and Egypt.

USES AND APPLICATIONS: Today the poppy is cultivated in most of the countries, under government control its use is restricted to the pharmaceutical industry. Its primary application is as an analgesic and as some narcotic alkaloids such as codeine, possessing analgesic and antitussive activity.

Family: PaparáceasOrigen, South and West Asia. It is grown widely in Asia Minor, Turkey, Persia and other countries in the Far Oriente. Floración: White or violet rojiza. Altura: Up 50 - 100 cm. Parte used medicinally: The seed capsules or immature and opium latex or drying of the capsule inmadura. Componentes important: The opium poppy contains several alkaloids dissolved in the latex or milky juice that flows cusndo incisions are made in the fruit and developed but not yet mature. This gives the juice dried raw opium, whose main content is morphine. Alkaloids: Phenanthrene: morfina. 20%) pholcodine, codeine, thebaine Isoquinoleína: papaverine narcotine leudanósido laudanina narceínaTetrahidroisoquinolina CriptopinaIndicaciones therapeutic: In sleep disorders, itching, has intervened in all pruriginosas skin diseases, painful menstruation, renal and biliary colic, diarrhea rebels, ansiedad. Comentario: The poppy has virtues sedatives decreasing anxiety and lowering the tone and central nervous neurovegetative. Also as an analgesic, thanks to morphine, is useful in treatment of acute pain, cramping kidney disorders or of a serious nature. His phenanthrene alkaloid content makes it useful in Cough convulsive problems, but nevertheless is contraindicated in cases of respiratory failure grave. Forma preparation: In infusion 6 gr. of dried flowers per liter of water. If you are fresh 10 gr. Fluid extract: between 3 and 9 grams. diarios. Recolección: From early spring through early veranoApuntes interest: Plant annual prefers sunny places text of the eleventh century: ". and their seed if they eat, sleep and cause itching and reduce deleted lice and nits; Can boil water, raw but are better and more effective to baked. " Using seed in the preparation of oils and as an ingredient in cakes. The Greeks used it to bring making it Asia Minor. The Egyptians knew the opium or thebaica as medicinal drugs since the sixth century Arabs disclosed their medicinal properties especially in the Middle Ages. Soil: moderately húmedo. El poppy cultivation in Cuba in Cuba is cultivated opium poppy for many years, in the winter months, with seeds received from various countries. The seeds germinate quickly and in large quantities if they are fresh, but we have to make direct seeding because the positions do not support the transplant. During the winter the plants grow quickly and produce flowers and fruit, but as soon as it is a warm weather or heavy rain, the plants die quickly. However, despite this can be reaped many dishes in the country. These are smaller than those usually are purchased in pharmacies under the name Poppy. As we have said, Cuba will not germinate the seeds imported, but when they are fresh they do it quickly and in quantity. In places where it has produced and planted poppies, every year spontaneous postures appear increasingly number and extent, and this makes us think that maybe in the mountains may be grown opium with better results. The seeds from Bulgaria had a very high germination, but the plants failed to bloom. Point taken from Juan Tomas Roig: Medicinal plants, aromatic or poisonous Cuba)

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