bidens pilosa

AMOR SECO (bidens pilosa) - HIPERnatural.COM
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bidens pilosa
Bidens pilosa.

Family: Asteraceae.

Common names: Pica Preto, Amor Seco, Aceitilla, Cadillo, Chilca, Pacunga, Pirc, Cuambu, Carrapicho, Erva Pica, Pin, identity crisis De Monte, romerillo, Saltillo, egg yolk, Z 'Aiguille, Jarongan, Ketul, from Pasir Pau pau.

Properties: Anti - bacterial, Antidysenterico, antiinflamatonrio, Antimicrobial, Astringent, diuretic, Emmenagogue, the Emollient, hepatoprotective Hypotensor.

Pica Preto is an annual herb, which grows upright and a small meter high, a native of the tropical jungle of South America, African, Caribbean and the Philippines. It has shiny green leaves with saws on the shores thorny and produces small yellow flowers. It's a primo Southron the tripartite Bidens, the European Wonder Buzz, which has an ancient history in the European botanical medicine.

Pica Preto has a long history of use by indigenous Amazon and virtually all parts of the plant are used. In the Peruvian Amazon, Pica Preto are used for the disease, angina, diabetes, dysentery, dysmenorrhea, edema, hepatitis, Jaundice, laryngitis and worms. In Piura, a decoction of the sounds are used to brief the alcoholic hepatitis and worms. The tribe Cradle mix crushed leaves with water to treat headaches. Peru near Pucallpa, the leaf is applied to a toothache and is also used for headaches. In other parts of the Amazon a decoction of the plant is mixed with lemon juice and used for angina, for sore throat, for water retention, for hepatitis, and for dropsy. The tribes of Exuma grind the leaves with a variety of olive oil to make cataplasms for wounds and lacerations, and in Tonga, an infusion of flowers used to treat food poisoning. Dr. Jams for Duque reported that "Mask or gargle may help angina and mouth sores: infusions used as emmenagogue, antidysenterico, and to alleviate the cold. " The reports also that the Indians used the plant in Brazil as a diuretic and to treat kidney problems.

In the Peruvian botanical medicine, the plant is called Amor Seco or Cadillo and is considered diuretic, anti - inflammatory and hepatoprotective; commonly used for hepatitis, conjunctivitis, abscesses, fungal infection, urinary tract infections, as an aid to weight loss and to stimulate goes on a trip. In the Brazilian botanical medicine is called Pica Preto or Cuambu and is considered the emollient, the astringent, and diuretic to be used, gonorrhea, leucorrhea, Jaundice, diabetes, sore throat, tonsillitis, obstructions in the liver and other disorders liver, urinary tract infections and vaginal infections.

Pica Preto has been the subject of recent clinical studies have explained that many of its uses in botanical medicine. It is the antibacterial activity against bacteria, Gram. positive. Also in 1996, an excerpt from Pica Preto showed possess the inhibitory activity of prostaglandin synthesis, a process linked the illnesses of headache and swelling. A research group in Taiwan documented his hepatoprotección (protector of the liver) activity, to express that pilosus of Bidens "can protect the liver from several wounds hepatotoxinas This same research group Pica the clinic showed significant anti - inflammatory activities of a Preto years earlier in 1995. In 1991, Swiss scientists isolated several phytochemical known antimicrobial properties and antiinflammatoria. who led them to believe that the presence of these premises "can rationalize During the same year, scientists in Egypt studying and documenting the activity of antimicrobial of Bidens pilosa too. Even at the beginning as 1979 and 1980, scientists demonstrated that specific chemicals were found in Pica Preto phototoxicos to bacteria and fungi. The properties of newer hypotensive Preto research papers suggest that Pica: "Results suggest that the extract antiipertenciva is a drug that has no effect on the frequency of heart. Hypotensive effects of the extract can be induced vasodilation. ".


Rabe T, 1997. Antibacterial activity of South African plants used for medicinal purposes. J Ethnopharmacol 56 (1) 81 - 87.

Alvarez L, et. al. 1996. Polyacetylenes of bioactive of the Bidens pilosa. Planta Med 62 (4) 355 - 357.

Al et de Jager AK. 1996. The selection of Zulu medicinal plants for inhibitors of prostaglandin synthesis. J Ethnopharmacol 52 (2) 95 - 100.

The chin HW, et. al. 1996. The effects of hepatoprotective Taiwan chho popular hong ham medicine in rats. Am J Chin Med 24 (3 - 4) 231 - 240.

Chih HW, et. al. 1995. The activity of the Taiwan Anti inflammatory medicine "ham - hong - chho popular" in rats. Am J Chin Med 23 (3 - 4) 273 - 278.

Geissberger P, et at. 1991. Are the components of Bidens pilosa L. the components found so far explains the use of this plant in traditional medicine? Acta Trop 48 (4) 251 - 261.

Sarg TM, et. al. 1991. And the components of biological activity of Bidens pilosa L. grown in Egypt. Acta Pharm Colgó 61 (6) 317 - 323.

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